Scott Brown: Taking Sexy Back
Wow, how did I miss this story? Long before he was a politician, the Republican candidate vying for Ted Kennedy’s U.S. Senate seat posed nude for the centerfold of Cosmo. Scott Brown won our “America’s Sexiest Man” contest and appeared in the June 1982 issue. In those days he was a 22-year-old law student at […]
Is Martha Coakley Even Sleazier Than
Tila Tequila? BUMPED: Reporter Hassled
Tila is arguably the nadir of celebrity sleaze, but at least she’s not running for the Senate: Democrat Martha Coakley is the voice of the “little people” the way Ted Kennedy was the voice of sobriety. That’s from Michelle Malkin’s column and you should read the whole thing, which makes clear just what kind of sold-out hack Martha Coakley […]
Happy Blog Birthday!
OK, I forgot Mrs. Other McCain’s birthday Monday until about 7 p.m., so conservative lesbian Cynthia Yockey can’t really complain that I failed to celebrate her first bloggiversary yesterday. Unlike Tila Tequila, Cynthia is a real lesbian — which is to say, the kind who finds me irresistible. IYKWIMAITYD.
Celebrity Update: Lesbian vs. Gay
Sleazeball Twitter Catfight Edition
Just so you don’t think that the prospect of covering the Scott Brown Senate campaign in Massachusetts has got us all serious or anything, here’s an item (via Linkiest) that’s worth a laugh: Lesbian celebrity Tila Tequila was “engaged” to Casey Johnson, the daughter of New York Jets owner Woody Johnson. Casey died last week, and celebrity gossip […]
More Evidence That Scott Brown’s
Surge Has Democrats Spooked
Martha Coakley’s own internal polling reportedly shows her having lost nine points in one week? Rasmussen shows a 2-point race, Coakley 49% and Brown 47% percent among likely voters. Yeah, it’s cold in Massachusetts, but the Democrats are starting to sweat now. Da Tech Guy lives in Massachusetts and just got a pro-Coakley mailer from the state teachers’ union. […]
VIDEO: Scott Brown Reponds to Coakley Attack Ad
Notice how the Republican candidate, standing in his kitchen, depicts the Democrat as part of the “political machine.” In other words, she’s the Establishment, the status quo, and Brown is the embattled underdog taking on The System. And her use of negative ads only reinforces that perception, which is ultimately Brown’s best message. The perception of […]
Who Is Hari Sevugan and Why Is He Trying to Bring Palin to Massachusetts?
Byron York of the Washington Examiner reports that Democratic campaign operative Hari Sevugan is trying to “Palinize” the special Senate election in Massachusetts, where polls show Republican Scott Brown gaining ground on Democrat Martha Coakley: Sevugan directed journalists to his response to the “blatant dodge by the Scott Brown campaign on the issue of whether […]
Scott Brown’s Money-Bomb
Racks Up $1.3 Million in One Day
Impressive results for the Massachusetts Republican seeking the Senate seat formerly occupied for more than a half-century by the Kennedy clan, but not belonging to them by divine right. NTC News has a major aggregation of news on the Massachusetts Senate race. Yesterday was also a pretty good day for the “Send Me to Massachusetts” money-bomb here. Thanks to tip-jar hitters […]
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