The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Politico Names an NRCC Dud; UPDATE: Roby Says FEC Numbers Show Otherwise; Time for Some Shoe Leather Reporting?

Posted on | February 1, 2010 | 13 Comments

This one’s going to leave a mark:

“Montgomery city councilwoman Martha Roby, the leading Republican to face Rep. Bobby Bright (D-Ala.), only brought in $76,000, and spent more than she raised.”

One of the reason’s for Roby’s lackluster performance is the entry of Tea Party-backed Republican candidate Rick Barber into the AL-2 primary, which I mentioned here Saturday.

GOP insiders no longer have the ability to hand-pick establishment candidates and shove them down the throats of Republican voters.  And guess who Rush Limbaugh just endorsed?

Adam Andrzejewski. I believe the word is “Heh.”

UPDATE: Andrzejewski on the Limbaugh endorsement: “Holy mackerel!”

UPDATE II: A source tells me that Politico‘s numbers for Roby are more than $100,000 short of her actual FEC numbers. Will have more news, as more becomes available.

UPDATE III: A source with Roby’s campaign says the FEC report for Dec. 31 shows they’ve raised $293,277, spent $118,981 and have $174,294 cash on hand, contrary to the Politico story.

One of the commenters mentioned Les Phillip’s Tea Party-backed challenge to Parker Griffith in AL-5, and somebody just e-mailed me a press release from the Phillip campaign about President Obama’s proposal to eliminate the manned space flight program:

There are over 7,000 jobs at stake at the Marshall Space Flight Center [in Huntsville, Ala.] . . .
At a time when Washington is focused on job creation it is unfathomable to me to cut thousands of jobs in Alabama, Florida, Texas and other parts of the country. This decision would leave all of the vital research being done on the International Space Station to be supported by Russian launches. Not only is that un-American. It is unacceptable.

So that’s two contested GOP congressional primaries down in Alabama, on top of the battle in the primary for governor and, as I told the commenter, I’m thinking I need to get down home to do some shoe-leather work. Y’all hit the tip jar.

UPDATE IV: Alabama GOP gubernatorial candidate Tim James reports raising $4 million. I’ll remember this the next time my Alabama Republican friends start poor-mouthin’ like they can’t afford to hit the tip jar.


13 Responses to “Politico Names an NRCC Dud; UPDATE: Roby Says FEC Numbers Show Otherwise; Time for Some Shoe Leather Reporting?”

  1. Victoria_29
    February 1st, 2010 @ 9:11 pm

    Same thing is going on in AL5, RNC is trying to shove RINO Parker Griffith of the flip-flop party down our throats when we have our own CONSERVATIVE teaparty activist candidate in Les Phillip.

  2. Victoria_29
    February 1st, 2010 @ 4:11 pm

    Same thing is going on in AL5, RNC is trying to shove RINO Parker Griffith of the flip-flop party down our throats when we have our own CONSERVATIVE teaparty activist candidate in Les Phillip.

  3. Robert Stacy McCain
    February 1st, 2010 @ 9:17 pm

    Same thing is going on in AL5

    Hmmmm. Sounds like maybe I should take a quick Shoe Leather trip to Alabama to check this out. Maybe I should ask the readers to hit the tip jar?

  4. Robert Stacy McCain
    February 1st, 2010 @ 4:17 pm

    Same thing is going on in AL5

    Hmmmm. Sounds like maybe I should take a quick Shoe Leather trip to Alabama to check this out. Maybe I should ask the readers to hit the tip jar?

  5. USRanger
    February 1st, 2010 @ 9:30 pm

    Im so broke people throw rocks at me. But I think a quick trip to see how that race is going will be worth it.

    I’m from that district and I think this race is going to get national attention soon.

    Hi Victoria 😀 keep on twitting!

  6. USRanger
    February 1st, 2010 @ 4:30 pm

    Im so broke people throw rocks at me. But I think a quick trip to see how that race is going will be worth it.

    I’m from that district and I think this race is going to get national attention soon.

    Hi Victoria 😀 keep on twitting!

  7. Lea
    February 1st, 2010 @ 11:36 pm

    The news of Obama’s latest “brilliant” idea of shutting down the space program will directly cost 7k jobs in North Alabama. 100’s of thousands across the U.S. We. Must send responsible conservatives to DC AND NOW! He is crippling this nation, we aren’t seeing an economic upturn, who does he think he’s fooling?

    Les Phillip is the very best candidate for Congress in N. AL He has a life story that is the American model of success. He came from dirt poverty and he loves this country. He will fight for us all.

    The “good ‘ole boy” network here in Alabama, with the help of the GOP, is trying to steal the people’s seat. Parker Griffith or Mo Brooks? Wow, what a choice! A RINO and a local-yokel who has run for office 7 times. I’ll bet he owes lots of favors, done dirty deals and has skeletons in the closet.

    Democrats can’t find a candidate to even run. Someone in national press should jump on this story.

    Help support Les Phillip. We are working on losing MANY JOBS, I only trust my life and future to God, then Phillips in DC.

    May God help us all.

  8. Lea
    February 1st, 2010 @ 6:36 pm

    The news of Obama’s latest “brilliant” idea of shutting down the space program will directly cost 7k jobs in North Alabama. 100’s of thousands across the U.S. We. Must send responsible conservatives to DC AND NOW! He is crippling this nation, we aren’t seeing an economic upturn, who does he think he’s fooling?

    Les Phillip is the very best candidate for Congress in N. AL He has a life story that is the American model of success. He came from dirt poverty and he loves this country. He will fight for us all.

    The “good ‘ole boy” network here in Alabama, with the help of the GOP, is trying to steal the people’s seat. Parker Griffith or Mo Brooks? Wow, what a choice! A RINO and a local-yokel who has run for office 7 times. I’ll bet he owes lots of favors, done dirty deals and has skeletons in the closet.

    Democrats can’t find a candidate to even run. Someone in national press should jump on this story.

    Help support Les Phillip. We are working on losing MANY JOBS, I only trust my life and future to God, then Phillips in DC.

    May God help us all.

  9. Ruby Slippers
    February 1st, 2010 @ 7:40 pm

    Illinois Primary Tomorrow – Andrzejewski Gets Big Endorsements…

  10. RickS
    February 2nd, 2010 @ 12:43 am

    Martha Roby was the GOP favorite for months, but her performance in public was so lackluster that people here really started to get nervous about her ability to pull it off. Heck, I think Rick Barber even endorsed her last year. I met her once. Interestingly, it was at Rick’s Deja Vu pool hall for a tea-party event (the only one, to my knowledge, that she ever attended). She’s nice enough, well spoken, and intelligent, but I just don’t think she has the chops to go mano-a-mano with Bobby Bright. Rick’s a tough, no-nonsense businessman and former Marine who will represent AL-2 well.

  11. RickS
    February 1st, 2010 @ 7:43 pm

    Martha Roby was the GOP favorite for months, but her performance in public was so lackluster that people here really started to get nervous about her ability to pull it off. Heck, I think Rick Barber even endorsed her last year. I met her once. Interestingly, it was at Rick’s Deja Vu pool hall for a tea-party event (the only one, to my knowledge, that she ever attended). She’s nice enough, well spoken, and intelligent, but I just don’t think she has the chops to go mano-a-mano with Bobby Bright. Rick’s a tough, no-nonsense businessman and former Marine who will represent AL-2 well.

  12. ‘Down in Alabama, You Can Run, But You Sure Can’t Hide’ : The Other McCain
    February 2nd, 2010 @ 2:13 pm

    […] Can Run, But You Sure Can’t Hide’Posted on | February 2, 2010 | No CommentsAs mentioned yesterday, I’m now soliciting contributions to the Shoe Leather Fund to help fund an expedition to […]

  13. Troy King and the Scandal That Dare Not Speak Its Name: Way Down (Low) in Dixie : The Other McCain
    February 5th, 2010 @ 1:33 pm

    […] in Alabama, including the campaigns of Les Philip and Tim James.However, as soon as I started blogging about the idea of a trip to Alabama, an anonymous tipster asked me if I was going to check […]

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