The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mrs. Patrick’s Tax-Funded Aide

Posted on | October 20, 2010 | Comments Off on Mrs. Patrick’s Tax-Funded Aide

They don’t call it Taxachusetts for nothing:

Rose Arruda, who makes $55,000 a year to run [Gov. Deval] Patrick’s ribbon cuttings and speaking engagements across the state, also works on up to 52 events a year for the governor’s wife, who’s a lawyer at the prestigious Hub firm Ropes & Gray.
Republicans immediately seized on the news — which comes almost four years after Patrick’s disastrous decision to hire a $72,000 chief of staff for the first lady in the first few months of his term. The aide resigned in March 2007 after public outrage over her hire. . . .

Read the rest. Meanwhile, the Boston Herald endorses Deval Patrick’s Republican challenger, Charlie Baker.


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