The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: Front Page, Featuring Steven Malanga, Required Viewing For All, Esp. Those Who Can Vote Against Jim Moran

Posted on | October 27, 2010 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

Click the image of Allen Barton to view:

Steven Malanga, of City Journal, and author of Shakedown, talks to Allen Barton about how the left has seized power in Washington, D.C. Incumbents and public service unions have gamed the system and are upending prosperity in America. Does government now exist simply to serve the needs of unions and politicians?

As a squid, I think that the government needs unions about like the US Navy. Oh, and collective bargaining in the Navy is referred by the term “mutiny”. Yet, the Navy does just fine with the UCMJ.
Click the image for a closer look at the book in question:
Public sector unions, and the general conflict of interest represented by a Federal government that treats the 10th Amendment like Joy Behar treats Sharron Angle (heh), are among the structural reasons supporting “Gentleman” Jim Moran’s longevity.
Watch the clip. Understand that there is a reason for the gripping sensation in the vicinity of your wallet. And, if you live in VA-8 and care fig #1 about the future viability of the country, next Tuesday vote

Jim Moran affords common citizens the level of regard he gives military service. Also, dryer lint.


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