The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: Patrick Murray Explains The Need To Retire ‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran

by Smitty In remarks to supporters on 01 October, Patrick Murray offers some biographical detail about working with Ambassador John Bolton, and then offers praise and admiration for VA-8’s incumbent Congressman, Jim Moran. For ‘heaping abuse’ values of ‘praise and admiration’. Patrick Murray for Congress Jim Moran is the only human on record to get […]

VIDEO: Amb. John Bolton Supports Murray In Effort To Retire Moran

by Smitty Last night I had the privilege of listening to remarks from one of my heros, Ambassador John “the ‘Stache” Bolton. If you only have time for one clip, the second one offers a Bolton’s professional overview of just how jacked up BHO’s foreign policy is.     Patrick Murray for Congress Jim Moran […]

‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran, VA-8, Clues The World In On A Point His Constituents Suspected, Yet Was Better Unstated

by Smitty No time for a transcript on this gem: What’s fascinating about Moran’s remark is that it means Moran is a co-member of the No-Junk Brotherhood with Harry Reid. Maybe Reid’s inability to secure an NRA endorsement in 2010 is why Moran is allowed to mumble against them in public. Patrick Murray for Congress […]

‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran Can’t Differentiate Between Allen West And A Hyena; Thinks That Barack Obama Is The Lion King

by Smitty Must see video that I can’t embed. Hard to tell when on Tuesday this was shot, but the possibility of immediately after a hydraulic lunch comes to mind*: “People like Mr. [Allen] West, and Governor Brewer and so on, particularly Mr. West, is not only not representative of the African-American community or of […]

I’ve Got Your ‘Precise’ Right Here, ‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran: Patrick Murray For Congress!

by Smitty Via Big Government we have a throwaway remark from senior #OccupyDC member #OccupyResoluteDesk: On Tuesday night, the president spoke in no uncertain terms: “Send me a bill that bans insider trading by Members of Congress, and I will sign it tomorrow,” he said. “Let’s limit any elected official from owning stock in industries […]

‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran: “Naaah, VA-8 Residents Don’t Need A Vote”

by Smitty Via Patrick Murray, we have this tidbit about ‘Gentleman’ Jim, always looking out for Virginianshimself: Jim Moran said Northern Virginia was more reflective of the D.C. metro area than the rest of the state. “We’d all be better off if they took the Virginia and Maryland suburbs and made them part of the […]

‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran May Not Have Made The Judicial Watch List, But I Have My Shame, And Only VA-8 Voters Can Take That Away From Me

by Smitty Regular readers of the blog know that I’m a firm believer in the Constitution, American Exceptionalism, and the Enlightenment that informs the better aspects of Western culture. One exception to my generally positive view of all things American, from military service to Virginia residency, is my Congresstool, ‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran. If you follow […]

#OccupyDC Provides Shenanigans At U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Christmas Party, Patrick Murray Non-Plussed

by Smitty Keith Olbermann lives! The story picks up at 5:13 into the clip. #Occupy protesters (the ‘99%’) laid on the ground and covered themselves in a red carpet for the people leaving the Christmas party (the ‘1%’) to walk all over: In attendance was retired Army Colonel Patrick Murray, who sent the following email: […]

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