The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Don’t Deport the Hotties!

Posted on | December 19, 2010 | 4 Comments

Donald Douglas posts a very attractive picture of Penelope Cruz — come to think of it, are there any other kind of pictures of her? — by way of discussing birthright citizenship.

Walter Hudson at NewsReal explains that Cruz and her husband Javier Bardem “are opting to deliver their son in the United States rather than in Spain,” to wit:

[T]he actors’ wish is for their son to have dual citizenship, and since the two own an estate in Hollywood — and Spain grants citizenship to foreign born if a parent is born in Spain — it is quite a convenient situation.

That quote is from a story at the Fox News Latino site (which has since apparently been taken down) that bore the headline:

Penelope Cruz And Javier Bardem
Are Having An Anchor Baby

To which a Hispanic group responded with indignation, saying that the term “anchor baby” is an insulting racial slur. You can argue about that in the comments, if you wish. My point is that, while I am adamantly opposed to amnesty for illegal aliens, there is one loophole to my otherwise universal xenophobia: Don’t Deport the Hotties!

If beautiful women somehow manage to sneak across our borders, or overstay their visas, let’s just pretend we didn’t notice, OK? Because if there’s one thing our country can never have too many of, it’s beautiful women.

And did I mention that Donald Douglas has a very attractive picture of Penelope Cruz at his site?


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