The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Vaguely Weird Celebrity News

Posted on | December 30, 2010 | 15 Comments

At age 63, Elton John and his, er, husband are now, er, fathers:

Levon has two daddies via a rent-a-womb deal:

Elton John is a dad!
The legendary hit maker and partner David Furnish announced they’re first-time fathers, following the Christmas-Day birth of their adopted son.
Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John was born to an unnamed surrogate in California and weighed 7 pounds and 15 ounces, John’s rep said. . . . .
In a joint statement released by John’s publicist, the happy parents said, “We are overwhelmed with happiness and joy at this very special moment.”

British columnist Judith Woods:

Please don’t let the scurrilous rumours be true that Sir Elton John’s new son was induced on December 25, in order to be The Ultimate Christmas Present, I just couldn’t bear it. I’d rather bury my head in a luxury lambskin footmuff until little Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John arrives in Britain to live happily ever after in his £35,000 nursery.

Like I said, vaguely weird. I’m 51 years old and (not to put any pressure on my recently married eldest daughter) just about ready to be called “Grandpa.” So what’s up with Elton John going to such expense and trouble to become “Daddy” at age 63?

What’s that going to be like for Baby Levon? Imagine being the only kid in high school with an 80-year-old gay dad.


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