The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Good-Bye, Holiday Traffic Suckage Season, Hello Happy New Year!

Posted on | December 31, 2010 | 12 Comments

On Nov. 25, I warned that Thanksgiving marks the onset of Holiday Traffic Suckage Season, when traffic to blogs plummets. Although this dread season in the blogospheric calendar doesn’t officially end until Monday — when people are once more stuck back in their office cubicles, pretending to work while surfing the ‘Net — yet the end of December allows us to assess how well we survived the past month:

Amazing isn’t it? Despite all odds, December was actually the best traffic month of the year — more than 260,000 hits — completing our first year since Smitty switched us over from the old Blogspot address to our plush new custom WordPress site.

Thanks to everyone who made possible this most excellent finish to a most wonderful year, which began with Alabama winning the national championship in the Rose Bowl, continued with Scott Brown winning the Massachusetts Miracle and reached its peak on Election Day, when Republicans won their biggest congressional victory in more than 60 years. And this was the year I got Tweeted by Alyssa Milano!

The year ahead will involve political battles in Washington and the gradual build-up toward the 2012 presidential campaign. We’re just two weeks away from the Republican National Committee meeting in D.C., followed a month later by CPAC (Da Tech Guy’s already booked his CPAC trip). You can expect me to be rattling the tip jar for trips like that, and also to travel to Iowa, New Hampshire and other key primary states.

It’s gonna be another great year.

Good-bye, 2010, and Happy New Year to everyone!

UPDATE: Happy New Year, Professor Reynolds!


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