The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

New Year’s 2011 Resolution

I gotta get my crazy wingnut mojo back. Not only did I fail to get a Malkin Award nomination this year, but I failed to make it onto the Village Voice‘s list of “10 Best Rightblogger Rants of 2010.” Professor Glenn Reynolds made both lists. When I’m getting out-wingnutted by a Yale Law graduate, obviously my mojo is […]

Foreclosures Rising, Home Prices Slumping: Can You Say ‘Double-Dip’?

The stimulus that didn’t stimulate has now been exhausted, and all the gimmicks by which the Obama administration attempted to hide the economic catastrophe — remember “Recovery Summer“? — have failed to change the somber reality: U.S. home foreclosures jumped in the third quarter and banks’ efforts to keep borrowers in their homes dropped as […]

Christine O’Donnell’s Not a Witch, But They’re Gonna Burn Her Anyway

What to make of reports that former Delaware GOP Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell is under federal investigation for campaign finance violations? Her campaign manager Matt Moran is quoted by ABC News: “The anonymous source seems politically-motivated and may well be tied to the ultra-liberal, George Soros-financed, former Sen. Biden staffer-run CREW [Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 12.30.10

TOP NEWS Mayor Bloomberg Says 911 Fell Short “This is the best sanitation commissioner this city has ever had. Period. Bar none,” Mr. Bloomberg said. California Ends 2010 On Soggy Note Rainfall finally ends Danish Intelligence Foils Terror Plot Against Newspaper Arrests follow Swedish attacks just two weeks ago POLITICS O’Donnell Slams Reported Federal Probe […]

The Virtue of Virtue

“Cripes, Dominic, I’ve never seen anything like it. Let me tell you something — if you want a good Catholic girl, that Mary is the one. She wouldn’t let me get anywhere with her.” So said Da Tech Guy’s Uncle Sam, a real ladies’ man, in 1943 after he made a play for young Mary […]

22-Year-Old Maryland Woman Gets Naked in Convenience Store

In front of the donut rack! On 18 December 2010 at 8:56 AM, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to the Royal Farms store on Royalty way in Hebron, MD for a disorderly female inside the store. Information had been received from store employees that Jennifer Riegler had removed all of her clothing […]

Julian Assange, Libertarian ‘Reactionary’?

Donald Douglas has another link-heavy roundup about the Julian Assange rape case, including a link to leftist blogger Bill Weinberg’s post called, “Enough with the Julian Assange hero worship”: The most blatantly irritating thing is abject demonization of the women who have made the charges of sexual abuse against Assange. In any other context, the summary […]

Anatomy of an Online Hoax

Peter Steiner long ago captured perfectly how the online world has abetted deceit: “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.” Brooks Baynes tells the story of a “a woman who went by the name Jo Von Hollenzollern,” formerly known as @femmepatriot on Twitter, who insinuated herself among online Tea Party activists and seems to have […]

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