The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Pull the String

Posted on | January 30, 2011 | 10 Comments

“Consider if you will, the rhetoric the left used against Reagan when he ran in 1980. I was twelve at the time, and our school was all about the election. . . . Back then, we all did the ‘Weekly Reader’ thing in school. They had us vote in their mock election, which, they had bragged, had never been wrong in predicting Presidential elections. I voted for Reagan, and made the apparent mistake of sharing that information. The result? The teacher said he would start a war. My classmates said he would start a war. Hell, even my mother said he would start a war. I would not have been surprised if a voice came over the PA, saying, ‘He’ll start a war, kid.’ Obviously, the left did manage to create the narrative that Reagan was a warmonger, and would trigger the apocalypse shortly after taking office. It was a knee jerk reaction from Democrats — almost like an old talking toy with a drawstring. You say ‘Reagan,’ and pull the string, and a Democrat says ‘warmonger.'”
Matt Ross, Conservative Hideout


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