The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

When It Comes to Foreign Policy, Let’s Trust Alan Colmes and Jimmy Carter!

Posted on | January 31, 2011 | 29 Comments

Colmes posts this:

Mohamed ElBaradei, a leading voice of Egypt’s opposition, told Fareed Zakaria on CNN that the American conservative fear put forth by people like John Bolton and Thaddeus McCotter that the Muslim Brotherhood will step in and take over Egypt if Hosni Mubarak falls is a myth without “one iota of reality.”

This is just a silly “conservative fear,” you see? And obviously Colmes isn’t buying into that. No, he’s listening to Middle East expert Jimmy Carter!

Mubarak has appointed Omar Suleiman, the country’s intelligence chief, as vice president. “He’s an intelligent man whom I like very much,” Carter said of Suleiman, with whom he says he has maintained a relationship.
“In the last four or five years when I go to Egypt, I don’t go to talk to Mubarak, who talks like a politician,” Carter said. “If I want to know what is going on in the Middle East, I talk to Suleiman. And as far as I know, he has always told me the truth.”

A crash course in How Liberals Think: Foreigners never lie. It’s those damned Republicans you can’t trust.

UPDATE: Yeah, this makes sense, too:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday called to stop the building in the settlements, saying that in light of the events in Egypt, it is important to further the diplomatic process.
Merkel, who arrived Monday afternoon at the head of a delegation of eight ministers for a joint Israeli-German government meeting, shared her assessments with Netanyahu about the situation in Egypt and in the region.

I’m sure Netanyahu must have struggled mightily to resist the urge to inform Angela Merkel: “We’ll let you know when Germans have earned the right to tell Jews what to do. The last time around, it was ‘Here, get on these cattle cars.’ Now, it’s ‘Stop building settlements.’ Maybe you understand why we’re hesitant to comply with German orders.”


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