The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

CPAC Day 3: ‘Flu-Like Symptoms’

Skye at Midnight Blue describes herself as experiencing “flu-like symptoms” which can only mean she’s contracted the dreaded CPAC Fever. This disease is caused by a rare virus known as schmooze and is spread through the promiscuous exchange of business cards. Some have blamed CPAC Fever on Dana Loesch’s leather pants — ?!?! –but we […]

CPAC Day 3: Winning the Future

Friday evening, I was a guest at a reception hosted by a group of College Republicans, including Jonathon Snyder of Ohio State University. Jonathon is state chairman of Ohio College Republicans and is now a candidate for the chairmanship of the College Republican National Committee. He was kind enough to consent to an interview: My […]

CPAC Day 2: Into the Scrum

Rep. Michelle Bachmann was surrounded by autograph-seeking admirers Friday afternoon in the lobby of the Wardman Park Marriott in one of those spontaneous scrums that occur when GOP celebrities show up at the Conservative Political Action Conference.  There is an interesting story behind how I ended up in the midst of the Bachmann scrum. About noon, I […]

CPAC Day 2: Hecklers in the Big Tent

Yesterday’s incident in which some Ron Paul supporters shouted “war criminal” at Donald Rumsfeld and his surprise guest Dick Cheney gets explained by Dave Weigel: The ballroom for big events fills up many minutes in advance. In this instance, the people who wanted to hear Rand Paul speak at 3:45 had to arrive around 2:30, […]

Egypt: Mubarak Resigns

Finally: Hosni Mubarak has stood down as Egypt’s president after 18 days of mass demonstrations. The announcement was made by Vice-President Omar Suleiman shortly after it was reported that Mr Mubarak had flown to Sharm el-Sheikh. Egyptians celebrated by blowing their car horns and setting off fireworks. It appears to have been a military coup. […]

CPAC Day 2: About Last Night

Thursday night, commitments brought me to three different events: The “Blogger Bash” at FreedomWorks, Andrew Breitbart’s “Big Party” with Sophie B. Hawkins (above) at Eighteenth Street Lounge, and the “Kruiser Cabana” in Stephen Kruiser‘s hotel suite. Packed into the Eighteen Street Lounge, conservatives listen to a presentation by Andrew Breitbart, who helped sponsor the event […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 2.11.11

TOP NEWS Mubarak Transfers Power To VP Suleiman; Protesters Enraged (Video) Obama Calls Latest Move Insufficient Military Caught Between Mubarak And Protesters Massive Protests Expected Friday “And I tell you here, as a head of state, I do not find any embarrassment at all in listening to the youth of my country, and to satisfying […]

CPAC Day 1: Celebrities!

Newt Gingrich and Victoria Jackson:

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