The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Dave Weigel Calls Himself ‘Progressive’? (Also: Dibs on ‘Arianna Huffington Nude’)

Did ex-libertarian David Weigel just say what it looks like he said here? Imagine a future in which AOL, the online portal for millions of people, farms out its news content to the Huffington Post. Imagine a future in which Yahoo!, the online portal for millions of similar people, hires the deputy publisher of Talking […]

CPAC Update: Rep. Allen West Will Buy Me Beers and Also Give Keynote Speech

One of these things is very important news: Freshman Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) will be the closing keynote speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference this year, he said in a Wednesday morning tweet. Will update with further news of who’s buying me beers at CPAC. Other than “everybody,” of course. UPDATE: It can be […]

Amity Shlaes for Senate?

Adam Brickley has an interesting suggestion for New York Republicans: The GOP needs a high profile opponent who will force Gillibrand to explain herself – and given her record we don’t think she can. The only question is who can do this while raising the money to compete in expensive New York Our suggestion is […]


Pejman Yousefzadeh disassembles Conor Friedersdorf with admirable gusto, beginning, “I really have things I would prefer doing this evening instead of engaging in yet another blogfight with someone at the Atlantic, but . . .” Yousefzadeh eviscerates Friedersdorf for defending anti-Israel crank Philip Giraldi and you’ve really got to read the whole thing, which includes […]

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire: Matt Lewis Won’t Work for Arianna Huffington; Soon He’ll Be Working for Tucker Carlson

He just gave his two weeks’ notice at AOL’s Politics Daily, saying “AOL has vastly underestimated the public perception . . . that Huffington is a far-left liberal,” and adding: I am incredibly blessed to be joining a terrific organization in The Daily Caller. I look forward to learning from its founder and editor in chief, […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 2.9.11

TOP NEWS Governor Perry: No Budget Armageddon In Texas Continues to express disinterest in running for President Patriot Act Extension Fails In House Bipartisan coalition of libertarian Republicans and Democrats joins to defeat measure Biden Calls On Suleiman To Lift Egypt’s Emergency Laws Laws have been in effect since 1980 POLITICS Republicans v. Republicans On […]

‘This Is When You Know . . .

. . . we’re going to hell!” Via Maggie’s Farm.

Reply to a Troll

Someone who failed to understand the policy sent me an e-mail, to which I replied: Listen, a–hole: You don’t pay for this bandwidth, OK? It’s not HuffPo or DKos or LGF or wherever it is you customarily practice your trolling. We are under no obligation to publish *any* comments, and when someone habitually and repeatedly […]

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