How Screwed Are We?
For more than a year, I’ve been warning against the idea that we are in an economic “recovery.” It’s not just the disturbing persistence of an unemployment rate above 9 percent. That’s the symptom, not the disease. What the U.S. economy is suffering from, and what no amount of neo-Keynesian “stimulus” can remedy, is a […]
Rednecks: A Global Phenomenon
It’s like the punchline of a Jeff Foxworthy joke: BEIJING, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) — Two people were killed and 223 have been injured in the Chinese capital amid traditional New Year fireworks frenzy that lasted from Wednesday evening to Thursday noon. . . . On Thursday, Beijing dispatched more than 20,000 street cleaners after a […]
LIVE AT FIVE – 2.4.11
TOP NEWS U.S. Pressure On Mubarak Opens Rift With Middle East Allies UAE, Saudi Arabia send public messages of support for Egyptian president and his new VP Madoff Victim Claims Mets Owners Ignored Alarms Wilpon and Katz being sued by Ponzi scheme victim Bernanke: Fed Not To Blame For Food Price Increases Is he really […]
Spare Us Your Sermons
“We Are All Egyptians,” Nicholas Kristof declares in a New York Times column with a Cairo dateline. Except we aren’t Egyptians, and the vast majority of us will never set foot in Cairo. For those of us who aren’t traveling the world on an expense account, the Atlantic‘s Clive Crook offers this helpful reminder: The […]
EGYPT: Today’s Latest News Updates: Mubarak Warns of ‘Chaos’ (Video) UPDATE: Five-Day Internet Shutdown Cost Egyptian Economy $90 Million UPDATE: Blogger ‘Sandmonkey’ Free UPDATE: Tanks Fire on Protesters?
Christiane Amanpour interviews Hosni Mubarak: He said he’s fed up with being president and would like to leave office now, but cannot, he says, for fear that the country would sink into chaos. . . . When I asked him what he thought seeing the people shouting insults about him and wanting him gone, he […]
El-Baradei: CNN’s Choice, Not Egypt’s
A little-noted passage in a Wednesday news article: The Obama administration also reached out to Egypt’s top military officer, stressing the U.S. desire to see calm restored to the streets of Cairo, where pro- and anti-Mubarak forces fought with fists, stones and clubs. One of the things that has puzzled me for the past couple […]
VIDEO: Battle of Tahrir Square
One of my Twitter friends is closely following events in Egypt: You may have already seen some of this footage showing Wednesday’s charge (by what one of our blog commenters called “irregular cavalry”) on the anti-government protesters in Cairo. But it is, as Alyssa says, “astonishing.” The Christian Science Monitor has an account of the […]
Obama ‘Siding With Chaos’?
So says a leading Egyptian businessman: Shafik Gabr was one of President Obama’s greatest fans eighteen months ago. Today, as Mr. Obama presses for the immediate resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, not so much. “The United States is siding with chaos if they force Mubarak out now,” says Gabr. Gabr is the Chairman of the […]
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