The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Loren Burke Is a Great American!

Posted on | March 11, 2011 | 12 Comments

Earlier today, talking about the California surfer dudes who hit the beach in hope of riding the tsunami, I said:

There is something distinctly American about guys who are willing to risk their lives for a super-gnarly wave.

The surge wasn’t as overwhelming as the surfers hoped — probably a good thing, too — but thanks to a reporter for the Santa Cruz Sentinel, we now have the name of one of the tsunami surfers:

Loren Burke, 23, La Selva Beach, a construction worker from the Westside, was surfing Friday morning said he went surfing with three friends. Burke grew up in the county and doesn’t remember ever hearing a tsunami warning before. He said he was excited seeing the ocean this morning, but didn’t expect to see a big wave hit.
“The waves were about 7 foot and it was a lot of fun,” Burke said after he got out of the water just after 8 a.m.

“A lot of fun.” Loren Burke, I salute you!

UPDATE: As mentioned earlier, I made a contribution to the Red Cross to help disaster-relief efforts in Japan, and they sent me an auto-reply thank-you e-mail:

The American Red Cross is acting swiftly to put your donation to work in communities affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific. We are supporting relief work to meet critical needs. On behalf of those we serve by our humanitarian mission, thank you.

So that’s pretty cool, and I urge all readers to go give the Red Cross what you can — $10, $20, whatever — because the folks in Japan are going to need all the help we can give them.

Let’s just hope they can get those nuclear power plants fixed, or the disaster may become even worse.


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