The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Discussions Of Taxation Recall Abortion

Posted on | March 13, 2011 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

The notion of some national sales tax or another is tempting in its simplicity. Cowen at Marginal Revolution discusses the VAT at length.
However, this is like discussing what to do about abortion. The discussion frequently accepts irresponsible behavior as a given, for all plenty of societies exist where young men manage not to spray their seed about like dogs in an alley at any available bitch.
So too with taxation. The conflating powers of the Socialists to take privileges and nice-to-haves and recast them as rights are astounding. We simply Do Not Require the federal government to manage activities, e.g. education, housing, retirement, etc., that could be handled more sustainably at the state and local level.
Just because the New Deal has been around for ~70 years does not make it justified. A better route to dealing with the unintended consequences of FDR, LBJ, BHO, etc. will be for the electorate to require a de-scoping of both the power and responsibilities of the federal government. Letting the federal government turn the US into a vast ATM via a VAT would be akin to giving a blank check to ACORN and Planned Parenthood: worsening a sick situation.
Don’t let your children treat sexuality as a video game, and don’t allow an the addition of another half-ass to the federal taxation system become an ass-whole.


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