The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The 2010 Restraining Order Sets Up The 2012 Cage Match

Posted on | March 31, 2011 | 2 Comments

by Smitty

No good deed goes unpunished. All the time and effort expended on the 2010 elections starts to pay off next week, as Yuval Levin reports at The Corner:

Apparently the House Budget Committee will take up the 2012 budget next week, and if the early leaks and reports are to be believed, the budget Republicans will propose will not only involve dramatic cuts in discretionary spending and reforms of the budget process to cap future spending but also exceptionally ambitious structural reforms of our entitlement system—the kind of reforms that can actually help us avert a debt crisis that otherwise seems nearly inevitable while allowing the economy to grow. House Republicans seem willing to lead where the president chose to punt.

As you love your liberty, you’ll not hesitate to step up and support (and keep on task) your GOP favorites in the effort for reform.
It’s still going to worsen before it improves, to make a very low-risk prediction. Remember: the Left hopes to reduce you to their level of despair.

Update: hopefully this will scratch Ace’s itch.


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