The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Isn’t VA’s Outgoing Senator Enough Of A Progressive Tool?

Posted on | April 5, 2011 | 3 Comments

by Smitty

Legal Insurrection
posts a clip of Tim “I did not ride Mark Warner’s coattails” Kaine, who would like to replace Sen. Jim “Yeah, I got elected on ‘macaca'” Webb as the junior Senator from VA.
The bandwidth and the interest to deal with this video just ain’t there. I won’t even embed it. Tim Kaine, unless I’m completely selling the guy short, is Yet Another Progressive Tool.
Kaine’s entry into the race is more interesting for its effect on the GOP primary. With an plausible Democrat stepping up (please, oh please Jim Moran, let your ego take you where it will) will Virginians be more likely to support George “Yeah, I got the bonus plan” Allen or Jaime “Isn’t it time for a fresh face” Radtke. This blog hasn’t bothered to form an opinion one way or another, and it may come down to a coin toss in the voting booth.

Is Radtke some kind of stealth Kane cheerleader? This just arrived in time for press, and it she seems to praise him in glowing terms:

Statement from U.S. Senate Candidate Jamie Radtke Regarding Tim Kaine’s Campaign Announcement
“Tim Kaine was one of the first supporters of Barack Obama for president, and supported every one of Obama’s expensive, disastrous policies, from ObamaCare to the massive stimulus bill. And as governor, Kaine literally misplaced one billion dollars in VDOT money, and his campaign priority was transportation! The financial changes we need in Washington won’t come from career politicians. To bring America back to greatness, we must look forward to a new generation of leaders who will make the hard decisions.”

Never mind: that glow was a torch.


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