The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Could Stacy McCain Ever Use An iPad?

Posted on | April 6, 2011 | 8 Comments

by Smitty

The fedora. The cigarettes. The coffee. The lucid, well-organized prose that sucks the order out of the rest of his life. The laptop that has been beaten in the ‘rented mule’ fashion.
Stacy McCain, whom I guess I’ve known about three years now, is a man so set in his ways that the ruts of his life look like arroyos. At events like CPAC, other bloggers gather, and a relative neophyte will mention Stacy and wonder out loud if some sort of intervention could be undertaken to, you know, pull him back from the cliff just a little bit. For his own safety. The rest listen patiently, recalling their similar thoughts, mutter, shake their heads in the negative, and continue on. You can certainly tell Stacy from a distance; but you can’t tell him much.
All that may change, though, when he sees this:could_this_be_the_trick
The hipster sexiness of the iPad, combined with the retro-gonzo typewriter body straight out of Ernie Pyle? That would out-gonzo Hunter S. Thompson, I reckon. The idea of walking back the touch screen and instead using a typewriter interface seems pure chindogu, but that’s very much in keeping with Stacy himself. Sure, it’s not the infamous Barbie Cam, but. . .it would run TweetDeck.


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