The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Will Folks: My Sacred Honor Compels Me to Claim That Nikki Haley (Whom I Once Shagged) Visited a Strip Club in 2009

Posted on | May 19, 2011 | 19 Comments

The Palmetto State’s most gallant Republican political consultant — the Deuce Bigalo of the Blogosphere™ — figured his reputation wasn’t quite sleazy enough:

On Wednesday evening – as part of a separate investigation into the nocturnal habits of S.C. First Gentleman Michael Haley – our founding editor received a call from an exotic dancer in Myrtle Beach, S.C. with some shocking information.
According to the woman – who declined to provide either her real name (or her “stage” name, for that matter) – she gave Michael Haley a lap dance during an August 2009 visit to the Masters Club in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Obviously that isn’t the “shocking information” we’re referring to – plenty of guys (and some very cool girls) go to strip clubs and get lap dances all the time. In fact, multiple sources have told FITS that Michael Haley is a regular guest (and frequent “VIP room” customer) at one particular Columbia, S.C. strip club – a story we’ve been tracking for several weeks.
But this phone call – which was originally placed to verify another report of Michael Haley’s alleged affinity for nude nightlife – quickly took a bizarre turn.
According to this dancer, Michael Haley wasn’t alone on this visit to the Master’s Club.
“She was with him, you know,” the dancer told us.
Wait … she? As in Nikki Haley – who was then a sitting state lawmaker as well as an announced candidate for governor?
“Yes. I danced for her,” the woman said. . . .

It goes on and on. What’s with this annoying third-person reference to “our founding editor”? Are we supposed to be surprised that Will Folks gets late-night calls from strippers? Are we supposed to be shocked that Will Folks alleges Nikki Haley to be involved in every manner of evil?

Will Folks is going to keep this up until his skull has an “inappropriate relationship” with somebody’s tire iron.


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