The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Conga

Posted on | May 29, 2011 | 4 Comments

Comedy Gold: Meghan McCain Blames Her Lousy Dating Life on Sarah Palin

Not News? Columbia Professor and Huffington Post Contributor David Epstein Pleads Guilty in Incest Case

Weiner’s Wiener?
UPDATE: Who Is ‘Gennette Nicole’?
UPDATE: Questions Piling Up

Mitch Daniels Won’t Run in 2012; Cites ‘Overwhelming’ Herman Cain Momentum

FMJRA 2.0: Take Me Back To You

Because Life Is Beautiful

    Ace of Spades Gets It

    Rule 5 Sunday: Shotgun Girl

        Obama’s Smear Machine

        ‘That’s Not a Poll That’s Psy-Ops!’

          Sully: Israelis ‘Got Their US Media Mouthpieces’ to Criticize Obama’s Speech

            Did National Magazine Award Winner Scott Horton Spin a Guantanamo Myth?

            Tornado Destroys Joplin, Missouri

            My Kids: Smart and Good-Looking

            NY-26 UPDATE: Are 13 Percent of Voters Really Going to Vote for Crazy Jack?

              Everybody’s Talking 2012

              LIVE AT FIVE – 05.24.11

              Christina Hendricks Talks About Her Breasts: ‘They’re So Obviously Real …’

              Never Burn a Source

                News From the HuffPo ‘Veal Pen’

                NY-26 Election Day: Are Crazy Jack’s Supporters Breaking Toward Democrat?

                NY-26 ELECTION NIGHT HQ
                UPDATE: Democrat Hochul Wins

                LIVE AT FIVE – 05.25.11

                Oh, My: Hearing Turns Ugly

                Media Psy-Ops in NY-26

                Ed Schultz Calls Laura Ingraham ‘Slut’; Feminist Outrage at MSNBC in 3, 2, 1 …

                Obamanomics: The Predictable Suckage

                Leave the Em Dash Alone!

                Sex, Jokes and Politics: Why $15 Million Won’t Buy Traffic Like Ace of Spades

                Ed Schultz Suspended for Being Fat and Ugly and Calling Laura Ingraham a ‘Slut’

                LIVE AT FIVE – 05.26.11

                Look on the Bright Side

                  Beating Women Drivers?

                  Is Governor Palin Running in 2012?

                  Dave Weigel: ‘Hey, You Know Who’s Doing Pretty Good? Herman Cain.’

                    Holy Freaking Crap! High School Seniors Suspended, Accused of ‘White Supremacy’ for Wearing White T-Shirts to School

                      David Williams, Rand Paul and the Kentucky Tea Party Movement

                      Nate Silver: ‘Hey, You Know, Maybe We Should Take Herman Cain Seriously’

                        So, Sarah Palin Is Not Running. . .
                        A Traditional Campaign

                        Awesome Fireworks Videos

                        Pacifism and Historical Ignorance

                          Clearly our fellow bloggers want more of the Meggie Mac/Sarah Palin hotness. Eighteen links, not including bots? Whoa.

                          Top linkers for this week:

                          1. The Pro From Poca (10)
                          2. The Lonely Conservative (8)
                          3. Da Tech Guy (6)

                          Thanks to all for the linky love! Blogspot bloggers, if you want to be included in next week’s FMJRA, please e-mail your links to Wombat-socho with “FMJRA” or “Shameless Blogwhoring” in the subject line. You have our gratitude!


                          Comments are closed.
