The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran Is So Cool, He Made Klavan On The Culture

by Smitty (h/t Da Tech Guy) This blog is proud to announce that one of its favorited scratching posts has achieved the rare feat of mention in Klavan On The Culture. Top that, anyone in Barney Frank’s district! Previous/More Antics: Going-In Position: The Opposite Of Jim Moran’s Ideas Are Good Ones Jim Moran: Clownish Buffoon, […]

A Question, Now That ObamaCare Lost Another Appeal

by Smitty HotAir, and the rest of the blogosphere, has the story of the 11th Circuit delivering yet another finely shaded variation on the theme of “no matter how you slice it, ObamaCare comes up ‘turd’”. Jazz Shaw notes via Politico: Team Obama says they are “confident” that they will still prevail. They now have […]

Oh, So, Like A Service Academy, Then?

by Smitty Via Insty: “Whether your own college experience was more like The Paper Chase or Animal House, you can be sure that today’s campuses are neither. Instead, your tuition and tax dollars are funding an ever-growing army of bureaucrats that police everything from free speech to dating. Administrators now outnumber faculty on our nation’s […]

Herman Cain Speaks at Iowa State Fair

DES MOINES, Iowa Here are the photos of Herman Cain’s soap box speech this morning: I counted no fewer than eight TV cameras recording the speech. I’ve got videos, but this McDonald’s where I’m working has crappy bandwidth on the WiFi, so the videos will have to wait for later.

The Butter Cow Is SEXY!

DES MOINES, Iowa Sometime before you die, you must visit the Iowa State Fair. And when you visit the Iowa State Fair, the one exhibit you must see is the world-famous Butter Cow: A sculpture. Of a cow. Made of butter. By the way, I won two blue ribbons for Blogging Excellence:

Couple Of Thoughts On Leadership

by Smitty Proof Positive quotes Mark Levin: “I would vote for a can of orange juice over Obama, but I would prefer a conservative.” Ben Howe offers a more extended meditation on the theme: The sad part about the clip is either the ease of the target or the difficulty in whittling down the material–unsure […]

Fishersvile Mike Rocks The Parody

by Smitty In Iowa, Stacy McCain has fallen in love with the Butter Cow. Meanwhile, in Virginia, noted parody tunesmith Fishersville Mike thinks about a Palin Candidacy and feels like it’s already Christmas. A bit of ribbon: You better watch out as liberals cry Here comes a force They cannot deny Sarah Palin’s coming to […]

Not Buying So Much Gloom

by Smitty Via Protein Wisdom, we have this Zero Hedge article that is a bolt of pure hairshirt. “Welcome to the Age of Instability”. Yes, it’s going to be turbulent for a decade-ish. Yes, the centralized world order is dead on its feet. Yes, some folks in the forty-to-sixty age bracket, like me, are getting […]

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