The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli Rises To The Occasion For GOP Primary

by Smitty There is some blowback at Cuccinelli for being a bit of a self-promoter, wanting to be first in line to sue over ObamaCare, not to mention smaller outings. Like asking what exactly Michael Mann was doing on the public dime when Mann was cookin’ him some Anthropogenic Global Warming books, or suing the […]

‘Occupy’ Protesters at Bachmann HQ: Proof That Gardasil Causes Retardation?

JOHNSTON, Iowa Michele Bachmann has taken a lot of flak for saying that she was approached in Florida by a mother who claimed her daughter suffered brain damage as the result of a Gardasil vaccination. You may sneer at that claim, but when I showed up at Bachmann’s Iowa campaign headquarters today for an scheduled […]

‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran May Not Have Made The Judicial Watch List, But I Have My Shame, And Only VA-8 Voters Can Take That Away From Me

by Smitty Regular readers of the blog know that I’m a firm believer in the Constitution, American Exceptionalism, and the Enlightenment that informs the better aspects of Western culture. One exception to my generally positive view of all things American, from military service to Virginia residency, is my Congresstool, ‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran. If you follow […]

Michele Bachmann Flyer Omits Comparison to Records of Santorum, Paul

JOHNSTON, Iowa During my visit to the Iowa headquarters of Michele Bachmann in nearby Urbandale today, I picked up a copy of a slick full-color flyer being distributed by her campaign (see front and back photos below). The 8½-by-11-inch flyer urges Iowa Republicans to “Vote for a Consistent Conservative” and includes an issue-by-issue comparison between the […]

The Instapundit Likes To Juxtapose

by Smitty Ebert says movies suck, costing too much and delivering too little. Not unlike the government, for all we wish the government would deliver less at times. Also Chris Dodd is the head buffoon in charge of the MPAA. I look at this news and see a great opportunity to plug Declaration Entertainment, Bill […]

Perry Campaign’s Amateur Hour

The secret to an effective “oppo dump” is to leave no fingerprints. The campaign trying to push negative information about its rival into the media strives to obscure the origin of the attack. If the Rick Perry campaign thinks that delivering its opposition research files to Erick Erickson is an effective messaging technique — well, […]

You Can View The Uncertainty With Trepidation, Or As An Opportunity

by Smitty Insty links Sandbrook at the Daily Mail going all doom and gloom. The situation for 2012 recalls the angst of 1932, with thuggish leaders aplenty today to pick up where fascism of old left off. But Proof Positive has a quote that cuts to the chase: “Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves […]

If This Is Not A Metaphor For What Must Be Done With Our Federal Government, I Don’t Know Of Any

by Smitty “600 Pound Woman Shuts Down Her Pay-Per-View Eating Site“ Mr. Creosote could not be reached for comment: Via Alan Colmes

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