The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Grats To Jeff Goldstein On Fatherhood

Posted on | April 24, 2012 | 5 Comments

by Smitty

Jeff Goldstein, easily among the most deep and original thinkers in the blogs, has become a father for the second time. They say if you hit his tip jar in the first 24 hours, you increase your chance. Of what, precisely, remains uncertain.

Meanwhile, the World’s Youngest Blogger, a fan of rapid head movements since before he departed the womb, dealt me a fetching forehead blow on the mouth, nearly splitting my lip. Then he cried. Like it was my fault. I think his Barack Obama impression is becoming a little too realistic. At nine months, he’s already more competent and less threatening to the country than #OccupyResoluteDesk.


5 Responses to “‘Grats To Jeff Goldstein On Fatherhood”

  1. Adobe_Walls
    April 24th, 2012 @ 9:13 pm

    To be fair that coffee cup YWB was going after is more competent than #OccupyResoluteDesk.

  2. smitty
    April 24th, 2012 @ 9:50 pm

    Yeah, BHO is rather a coffee cup with a gaping hole in the bottom, no?

  3. Adobe_Walls
    April 24th, 2012 @ 10:01 pm


  4. Bob Belvedere
    April 25th, 2012 @ 8:09 am

    Methinks Itty Bitty Smitty is a performance artist.

  5. Tennwriter
    April 25th, 2012 @ 11:03 am

    And Congrats to a serious intellectual who now has a serious challenge to his brainpower.  Is that cry the ‘burp me’ cry, or the ‘change my diaper’ cry, or the ‘I’m bored’ cry or…

    Congrats to Jeff Goldstein.  ‘Tis a great thing.