France To U.S.: We Will Make The Election Of Obama Seem Smart
by Smitty According to Breitbart, Nicolas the Short has been ousted in favor of Francois Holland. Holland seems to favor: raise taxes (including a marginal tax rate for earnings above $1 million to 75%), lower retirement age, and boost spending levels I suppose that’s one reaction to economic reality: deny it categorically. Zerohedge plays the […]
Little Joe In Big Trouble?
by Smitty It’s not over until it’s over, but the fact that the Boston Herald is even floating this kind of question would seem to indicate that Sean Beilat is putting the polling hurt on Joe Kennedy: The marquee name isn’t doing much better for Joe K. than the faux Native American heritage is for […]
Arianna’s Power Scaled Back at AOL?
Remember when AOL bought Huffington Post — for a “bazillion dollars,” as Joe Coscarelli says — and everybody’s first question was, “On what planet does this deal make basic business sense?” Here you had the erstwhile America Online, which had made big bucks back in the original 1990s Internet boom, when dial-up modems were still the deal, […]
Shout Out To #Fauxcahontas
by Smitty Elizabeth Warren continues to epitomize the crumbling of the Progressive Left. This does not mean she should be bereft of soundtrack. Something appropriately Native American-sounding, yet of European origin, suggests itself: Also packin’ the hits: Belvedere.
Dreams of My Ghostwriter’s Ex: Did Bill Ayers Use Dead Weather Underground Terrorist Diana Oughton as Model for Obama’s ‘Composite’ Girlfriend?
“I’ve read Obama’s books, and they are first-rate. He is that rara avis, the politician who writes his own books.” — Christopher Buckley, Oct. 10, 2008 In 2008, conservative journalist Jack Cashill presented evidence that Barack Obama’s bestselling 1995 memoir Dreams From My Father had been written with the assistance of Bill Ayers, the former […]
Knuckle-Dragging Creationist Threatens College With Unorthodox Thoughts & Shield Of Faith, But Mostly Thoughts
by Smitty Insty relates the outrageously outraged outrage of the faculty at the Methodist college Emory University, in the Druid Hills section of metropolitan Atlanta. Stacy McCain has not denied having too much fun figuring out what sort of rituals those Druid Hills Methodists were getting up to in their groovy grove. Apparently those Methodists […]
Not #ReadyToGo? New Hashtag Doesn’t Fill Ohio Arena for Obama Campaign
The Obama campaign, after watching its previous Twitter slogans swiftly hijacked by Republicans, rolled out #ReadyToGo for its official kickoff rally in Columbus, Ohio: Speaking at his first official campaign rally six months and a day before Election Day, a fiery and combative Obama, his sleeves rolled up, touted a “forward-looking America” while taking a series […]
Creepiest News of the Day (So Far)
It’s not yet 6 p.m. ET, so I suppose something weirder might still come along, but so far? Yeah, this is definitely it: Bill Johnson, a former Alabama gubernatorial candidate, has left his wife and family in Prattville to be with babies he secretly conceived as a sperm donor in New Zealand. Johnson’s wife, Kathy Hale […]
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