The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

It Never Happened, Nobody Saw It Happen, and I Was Never There

Ben Howe, Moe Lane, Roger Simon, Bryan Preston, Paul Mirengoff, Gabriel Malor, Rob Bluey, Dan Riehl, Ace of Spades,  Mike Flynn, Philip Klein, Jim Antle, Michael Brendan Dougherty, Justin Hart, John Hawkins, Adam Tragone, Alana Goodman, Mary Katharine Ham, Katie Pavlich, Stephen Hayes, Alex Pappas, Byron York, Matt Lewis, Lachlan Markay, James Joyner, Amanda Carpenter, Jim Geraghty […]


by Smitty Now and then, one gets trashed so hard that the best course of action is to join the audience in admiration of a good trashing: When did Smitty turn into a Progressive? He seems to claim charisma is a zero sum game. He claims the charismatically rich Paul Ryan got that way from […]

Rule 5 SundayThursday

— compiled by Wombat-socho Well, it was going to be Rule 5 Sunday, but then the internet died, and then three days of CPA exam madness got in the way, and the next thing I knew it was 0200 Thursday morning… Laughing Conservative kicks off this week’s Rule 5 roundup with Lucy Pinder, while Fishersville […]

When Do We Say ‘Up The Left!’?

by Smitty Insty points to Treacher going on about the latest shenanigans at Wikipedia. It seems that it’s OK to have a page about Seamus the Dog, of Romney family fame, but no one need be bothered with talk of Obama’s dog consumption. Even though the dog munching is in one of Obama’s biographies, the […]

Is Reboot Congress Senator Dick Lugar’s Biggest Booster?

by Smitty I’m looking at this rack of links from Reboot Congress, and I’m thinking: wow, DSM digs him some Lugar about as much as I enjoy cheering on ‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran, which is to say, not at all: Dick Lugar: Living Large in New York City Dick Lugar Gambles Big on Phonebanks Dick Lugar […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 05.03.12

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Questions Mount Over PRC Activist’s Fate Was blind activist pressured to leave American embassy? Federal Judge Throws Out Tribal Lawsuit Supporting UND Rules no damage to tribes from NCAA prohibition Forgotten Inmate Drank Urine To Survive UC Santa Cruz student detained by DEA apparently forgotten by drug agents, never […]

So, Will Lugar Be The New Murkowski?

by Smitty Legal Insurrection points to some National Journal polling showing Tea Party favorite Mourdock  in a statistical dead heat. Politico notes: The Lugar campaign’s 3-to-1 spending advantage has allowed it to portray Mourdock as an untrustworthy tax cheat who has “sold out to D.C. outsiders,” practices “the politics of personal destruction” and “will say anything […]

I Am Not Consumed With Jealousy!

by Smitty I do not envy Paul Ryan’s perfect hair, excellent command of facts, sterling reputation, thick head of hair, political courage to dare suggest that Congress balance the budget before the sun burns out, or, for that matter, his rockin’ locks. No, I am not jealous of posts like this. I just wish the […]

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