The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Olympic Boob Shot? USA! USA! USA!

Posted on | August 2, 2012 | 12 Comments

My prescient news judgment is vindicated: While guys were drooling over those lanky beach volleyball chicks — or even getting twisted thrills watching jailbait gymnasts, you sick freakswho told you that women’s water polo is the sport to watch for real Rule 5 Olympic action?

Now, via Deadspin and Mediaite, we learn that NBC briefly showed a live glimpse of NSFW nudity during yesterday’s Spain-USA match:

Water polo can be a rough sport, with athletes lunging through the water for control of the ball. And sometimes, lycra swimsuits get pulled and breasts are exposed.
Such was the case Wednesday during the Olympic match between Spain and the U.S. A player’s suit was pulled to the side and her bare breast was broadcast live, via NBC’s underwater camera.

No word on whether our favorite player, Melissa Seidemann, was involved in this incident. Here is the underwater catfight video footage:

Not much to see, really — a fleeting glimpse, nothing remotely erotic, probably not even enough to earn an “R” rating if it were a movie.

Still, it proves my point that women’s water polo is actually the best sport to watch for the Rule 5 gold-medal competition. And in a completely unrelated incident, federal employees have once more been told to stop surfing porn on the taxpayer’s dime:

The Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency warned its employees and contractors last week to stop using their government computers to surf the Internet for pornographic sites, according to the agency’s executive director.

Does that ban include NSFW Olympic competition?


12 Responses to “Olympic Boob Shot? USA! USA! USA!”

  1. McGehee
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 1:33 pm

    From what I’ve heard, competitive men’s water polo can be slightly more unsightly.

  2. Dan Collins
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 1:37 pm

    Is Women’s Water Polo on Tumblr? Because that’s my go-to site for bewbs.

  3. M. Thompson
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 1:41 pm

    The one rule I had was never look at rule 5 type links/porn on Gunmint computers.

    That’s what mine at home is for.

  4. SDN
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 1:49 pm

     Not Weight Watchers? I’m surprised…..

  5. Evilbloggerlady
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 1:53 pm

    I never watched men’s water polo.  Do they give each other wedgies to get advantage?  

  6. McGehee
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 2:19 pm

    Well, they probably do now.

  7. Evilbloggerlady
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 2:21 pm
  8. PGlenn
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 3:26 pm

    Sorry, I enthusiastically support the Women’s Water Polo > Girl’s Gymnastics body image campaign, but this clip is not worthy of Rule 5. More like Rule 2.5. Please let me know, though, when you have a clip of this tactic used on Seideman.  

  9. Bob Belvedere
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 5:52 pm

    My prescient news judgment is vindicated: While guys were drooling over those lanky beach volleyball chicks — or even getting twisted thrills watching jailbait gymnasts, you sick freaks — who told you that women’s water polo is the sport to watch for real Rule 5 Olympic action?

    Indeed, and by following your advice my unique hits have been 4.5 times higher than the normal average over the past four days since I post pics of the ladies’s team.

  10. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 6:17 pm

    Stacy McCain wrote the book on successful blog whorring promotion.  I think it goes without saying, people are definitely interested in women’s water polo.  

  11. daisy
    August 3rd, 2012 @ 12:50 pm

    What IS wrong with you?

  12. DaleyGator DaleyBabe Kadie Ann Johns takes us on a Rule 5 journey « The Daley Gator
    August 4th, 2012 @ 5:14 pm

    […] The Other McCain; Olympic Boob Shot! […]
