The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Walker v. Kimberlin Case Moves Forward

“Kimberlin is an inveterate and shameless liar, who was convicted of perjury before he graduated high school and who has been called a ‘top-flight con man.’ It is an injustice and a disgrace that an infamous criminal like Kimberlin should be permitted to continue harassing such an innocent and honorable citizen of Virginia as Aaron […]


— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Obama Throws Red China Under The Bus Meanwhile, Romney tries to reassure easily-panicked Republicans; press all jumping on “victims” remark War Anniversary Fuels Anti-Japan Protests In PRC Many Japanese businesses shuttered Joe Biden Mocks Mitt Romney For Using Democrats’ Definition Of “Middle Class” Chalk another one up for ol’ […]

MUSIC VIDEO: ‘You Didn’t Build That’

Two words: HI-LARIOUS!

‘There Has Been a Campaign of Disinformation and Smears’

That’s a quote from a man who is being hounded for his role in the production of the video that did not cause any riots or murders, no matter what that idiot Susan Rice tries to tell you. Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugged has the worldwide exclusive: Joseph Nassralla of Way TV and Media for Christ […]

Spot the Error

Something here offends me: The weird ecstasy of the media-political complex at the convention in Charlotte … was the first sign that its attachment to President Obama, always fawning, had become morbid. In spite of the anemic economy and a real unemployment rate above 11 percent, the high priests of pontificating liberalism were giddy with […]

Department of Unfortunate Analogies

Perhaps you remember a fellow named Todd Akin. You may wish you could forget having ever heard the name, but I think you probably remember. Think back to the morning of Sunday, Aug. 19. The Republican National Convention was still eight days away, and Isaac wasn’t even a tropical depression yet. And then came the […]

The ‘Accuse the Accusers’ Strategy: Attempting to Explain Social Engineering

If I told you what inspired this, you wouldn’t believe it. Remember that on May 17, I was planning to go cover the G-8 Summit when I saw a blog post by Aaron Walker that caused me to change my mind: This was a story more interesting and newsworthy than whatever I might have reported […]

#Eastwooding Eastwood

by Smitty Imitation is both sincere and funny in this case. While going for laughs, this has the effect of carrying the meme forward into #OccupyResoluteDesk’s current foreign policy non-triumphs: via The Blaze

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