The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

School Officials Helping Spread Sequestration Political Message

The Lonely Conservative relays the e-mail message sent by her child’s school principal: Act to STOP Sequestration now Take Action! Our students deserve the best education Without action, sequestration cuts will take place THIS Friday, March 1. It is anticipated that the cuts to education and other domestic programs will be 5.3 percent, and will […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 02.28.13

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Obama To Meet With Congressional Leaders On Ways To Avoid His Sequester GOP uninterested in tax hikes, fine with letting cuts go forward Voting Rights Act’s Section 5 Draws Skepticism From Justices Kennedy leaning toward conservatives? Pope Benedict XVI Bids Farewell To Faithful On Eve Of Retirement 150,000 pack […]

Campaigner In Chief Visits Newport News Naval Shipyard

by Smitty One of the big constituencies that has not yet been turned into a Democrat victim constituency is the military. There are a few reasons for this: The military is still sworn to support and defend the that 100+ year old document called ‘The Constitution’, as though the Dead White Dudes somehow knew that […]

#DonnaBrazileMysteries Trains Depart L.A. & Boston For Chicago Going 90mph & 100mph @1800 Zulu. Is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Racist?

by Smitty What’s on your menu? Just got off the phone with my health care provider asking them to explain why my premium jumped up. No good answer! — Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) February 27, 2013 #DonnaBrazileMysteries Is the really lousy traffic in the DC area not a sign of a thriving economy? — Smitty (@smitty_one_each) […]

Could Sequestration Be The Tipping Point In The Farce Parade?

by Smitty I, for one, have been wondering just how much more jacked up our government could get before a total sieze-up. Over at Red State, Rep. Tom Graves points out: Frankly, the sequester doesn’t do much to stop the growth of spending and government. Let’s say you gain 10 pounds per year, but your […]


— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Huge Crowd In St. Peter’s Square For Benedict XVI’s Final Address Crowd gathers to say goodbye to the Pope White House Not Expecting Sequester To Be Averted Administration remains committed to tax hikes, hopeful GOP will split Major Nuke Powers End Talks With Iran Interfax says no progress; sides […]

One Million Moms, Combined, Doesn’t Add Up To A Single Sense Of Humor

by Smitty This GEICO ad is nowhere near as vulgar as the recent Onion dustup: The joke, like good saucy humor, is served up incomplete. You have to want to view the actress as doing more than serving a stereotype for there to be substantial naughtiness going on here. Furthermore, it’s a good teaching opportunity. […]

By Any Means Necessary

The important thing to understand about the Democrat Party is that they have no moral or philosophical principles of any kind. The Democrat Party is about power for its own sake, and everything that Democrats claim to stand for is negotiable, subject to change if necessary to win elections. For example, if racism will win election […]

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