The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#FreeKate’s Mom: ‘I Will NOT Have Anyone Ruin This for Family!!!!’

Posted on | June 27, 2013 | 54 Comments

Some catastrophes are surprising and others are entirely predictable. When the parents of Kaitlyn Hunt launched the “Free Kate” campaign to make their daughter America’s Most Famous Sex Offender™ . . .

Well, what part of very bad idea is so hard to understand?

Q. What kind of parents would make their teenage daughter the poster child for a crusade to legalize sex with 14-year-olds?
A. People who don’t think very clearly about the potential consequences of their actions.

On May 17, when Kelley Hunt Smith published her vindictive “Free Kate” Facebook rant, in which she named the 14-year-old’s parents nine times, and when Steve Hunt published his dishonest petition falsely portraying the case as an innocent “high school romance” between a 15-year-old and 17-year-old, three consequences could be predicted:

  1. The truth would eventually come out — Soliciting national attention to such a controversial situation created an incentive for people to start digging up facts. It took only a matter of days for it to become widely known that Kaitlyn Hunt’s birthday is Aug. 14, 1994. She was 18 before she began her senior year at Sebastian River High School. It was subsequently confirmed that the younger girl was born in April 1998 — i.e., she was 14 at the time of the criminal sex acts, and the age difference was 44 months, not a mere two years. There was no way the original misrepresentations were going to withstand national scrutiny, and Kaitlyn’s parents should have known that.
  2. Kaitlyn’s character would become an issue — In fact, the Hunt family made an issue of Kaitlyn’s character, bragging about how popular and successful she was, a “model child.” So when contradictory evidence emerged (“Beat her f–king ass, Emily! Beat her ass! Get that bitch!”), the Hunts had already forfeited any right to complain that this was irrelevant. If you claim that bigoted prosecutors are ruining the life of an innocent little angel, you can’t complain about evidence that your “angel” is a foul-mouthed tattooed she-hooligan.
  3. Bad causes attract bad people — It took about a week for the facts to catch up with the bogus “Free Kate” narrative, but once it became clear that she wasn’t a victim of homophobic persecution, whatever mainstream support the campaign ever had evaporated pretty quickly. Once the decent well-meaning supporters realized they’d been bamboozled, the Hunts were left with a hard core of supporters who were either (a) too emotionally committed to the glorious gay-rights rainbow dream to comprehend the ugly reality, or (b) creepy weirdos who want to legalize sex with jailbait.

Trying to ride herd on a crew like that wasn’t going to be easy and — surprise! surprise! surprise! — Kaitlyn Hunt’s parents weren’t prepared to deal with that reality, either. So there has been a (predictable) meltdown within the “Free Kate” Facebook group in recent days. Evidently at the urging of Kaitlyn’s lawyer, her mother presented administrators of the page with a confidentiality agreement they were required to sign, and four administrators resigned rather than to sign it. This had terrible repercussions for group morale, among other things, and Kelley Hunt Smith didn’t handle that too well:

For the past week or so, I’ve been hoarding up some weird stuff bubbling up from inside the “Free Kate” universe, and I’ll have more later. Meanwhile, the motion by Kaitlyn Hunt’s lawyer to have the allegedly “prejudiced” judge thrown off the case has, predictably, failed.

As I’ve said before: She should have taken the plea bargain.



54 Responses to “#FreeKate’s Mom: ‘I Will NOT Have Anyone Ruin This for Family!!!!’”

  1. HaterOrKater?
    June 28th, 2013 @ 6:46 pm

    Read Rachael Moshman’s blog. She broke the fake story on Now says she wouldn’t let her babysit her kid.

  2. Becca Lower
    June 29th, 2013 @ 2:08 am

    They came out with a teeshirt in four colors the other day, and Kelly Hunt Smith crowed on FB that another style– v-necks– would soon be available. You be the judge.

  3. Alessandra
    June 30th, 2013 @ 2:09 am

    “Meanwhile, the motion by Kaitlyn Hunt’s lawyer to have the allegedly “prejudiced” judge thrown off the case has, predictably, failed.”

    Hah. At least they have better judicial sense in their decisions than the 5 Supremes on DOMA, especially the closeted Kagan slug

  4. Kaitlyn Hunt’s Big Gay Pride Day: Is ‘Jailbait Rights’ Now Mainstream? : The Other McCain
    July 1st, 2013 @ 1:14 pm

    […] Facts? You bigoted hateful haters! […]

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