Is Obama Pivoting From Jobs To Syria To ObamaCare Like A Rodeo Clown Ballerina?
by Smitty I guess if Syria isn’t proving enough of a distraction, or the IRS scandal, or the Benghazi scandal, then #OccupyResoluteDesk is just going to have to hit the road and whack the people with his rhetorical bludgeon to keep them from noticing the debt ceiling negotiations (emphasis mine): The White House is mapping […]
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Ready to Make Feeble Unilateral Gesture Against Syria
The British Parliament voted against war, but now that the oceans stopped rising and the planet has begun to heal and Obama has “restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth” — what, you didn’t notice? — President Gutsy Call has decided that go-it-alone foreign policy and military intervention without congressional authorization are […]
Bitches Be Cray-Cray: A Heteropatriarchal Theory of Non-Transformative Justice
Otherwise known as the Anglo-American common-law tradition, I figure glitzing up the Rule of Law in fancy intellectual jargon might give it the academic oomph necessary to compete with this crazy crap: In the wake of the Trayvon Martin verdict, Chicago has seen several public events and workshops exploring its aftermath. On Aug. 15, queer […]
Studying the Master: @AceOfSpadesHQ Brings His Blogging A-Game, Again
Aficionados of Blog-Fu will some day recall Thursday’s AOSHQ beatdown of Slate the way boxing fans remember Clay-Liston: Slate, the Amateur Online Webzine Specializing in Hit-Trolling and Outrage-Fishing: First of a Series Slate, the Group Blog That Troll-Baits With Provocative Stupidity: Second in a Series Slate, The Blog That Trolls Its Own Readers, […]
States’ Rights: OK for Dopeheads; Hateful Hillbilly Bible-Thumpers, Not So Much
A headline that included the word “butt-f*ckers” — without the asterisk — crossed my mind here. However, because Ace of Spades is on a tear against the deliberate troll-baiting at Slate, I passed it up. Anyway, the re-election of President Obama meant that the gay agenda would be imposed top-down by executive authority, and the Internal […]
Will Syria Be #OccupyResoluteDesk’s Resignation Letter?
by Smitty Stacy hates this sort of noise, but I’ll throw it out there, because I think it’s plausible. BHO is a narcissist. BHO has an awful lot of issues/scandals set to go lively after Labor Day: Benghazi IRS Debt ceiling increase Immigration Continuing resolution in general– ObamaCare in particular BHO is to the Presidency […]
Hmm. @JamesTaranto Mildly Disagrees With @AnnAlthouse? Let Me Try That.
OK, so a Puerto Rican guy kidnapped and raped girls in Cleveland and everybody reported about that case, and not once do I remember anyone arguing that Ariel Castro’s crimes, or the reporting about his crimes, had any specifically racial context. Everybody was just horrified by it, and nobody said either (a) that Puerto Rican […]
Kim’s Ex-Girlfriend Suffers Heartache, Execution by Firing Squad; Neal Sedaka Could Not Be Reached for Comment
Every guy who has ever been dumped by a girl knows the feeling. You mope around the house, thinking back on all the good times you had together, and then you start dreaming of the day you become the paranoid dictator of a totalitarian police state: Kim Jong-un’s ex-girlfriend was among a dozen well-known North […]
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