The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser?

Posted on | September 11, 2013 | 36 Comments

“Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. . . . He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don’t listen to him. Remember that — do not listen.”
The Exorcist (1973)

“As for [Brett Kimberlin], and his claims of libel and character assassination, I seem to recall he was convicted of perjury in federal court before he got out of high school. I seem to remember his other claims seemed to vanish under close scrutiny.”
Joe Gelarden, October 2010

“[Brett Kimberlin] claimed he was secretly exonerated by the powers that be. A record of this surreptitious pardon is bound to surface any day now, delivered by a leprechaun in a unicorn-pulled stage coach.”
Matthew Vadum, Sept. 5, 2013

The most important fact about Brett Kimberlin and his associate Neal Rauhauser is that they are liars. Brett Kimberlin’s dishonesty, as a convicted perjurer, is a matter of public record. Neal Rauhauser’s status as the foremost “Weiner Truther” — he named Patrick “Patterico” Frey as the alleged mastermind of the 2011 “hacking” of Anthony Weiner’s Twitter account, which we obviously now know never happened — should be sufficient to establish Neal as fundamentally untrustworthy.

On May 17, 2012, my plan had been to cover the G-8 Summit at Camp David, Maryland, but then I saw Aaron Walker’s account of how he says Brett Kimberlin attempted to “frame” him on a bogus assault charge. While I had never before heard of Brett Kimberlin, the involvement of political social-media consultant Neal Rauhauser in that story suggested a direct connection to the Democrat Party campaign apparatus, so I scrapped my G-8 plans and instead started digging in on the Kimberlin story. Four days later, on Monday, May 21, 2012, Brett Kimberlin contacted my wife’s employer, ranting about how I was “harassing” him and, when they realized that they were dealing with a convicted bomber, this created security concerns that led me to leave Maryland in order to continue reporting the story from “an undisclosed location.”

Even while law enforcement was alerted to the concerns at my wife’s workplace, while my then-13-year-old son was sleeping with a loaded shotgun beside his bed and I was a sort of journalistic fugitive, however, the liars began telling their lies, which I ignored because:

  1. I will not help publicize falsehoods told by liars;
  2. The situation involved innocent third parties who had no role in this conflict, whose privacy and safety I could not jeopardize; and
  3. “Avoid conversations with the demon.”

A few friends and a couple of reporters, whom I could trust to maintain confidentiality, know what happened and why I have not discussed the details. There are witnesses to everything, including witnesses to my little daughter’s tears on the evening of May 21, 2012.

Knowing the truth, and knowing that the truth is known by others, I never paid any further attention to the Kimberlin/Rauhauser lies, except to notice them as a sort of dye-marker of who is listening to the false version of events told by Team Kimberlin. And this morning I noticed Bill Schmalfeldt — who just yesterday was begging to be ignored — Tweeting out rececycled lies including a  link to a July 2012 article by Alex Pareene of Salon that quoted at length the Kimberlin/Rauhauser lies, an article that included this remark:

Mr. McCain never responded to my email requesting comment, though he did write a bunch of blog posts about how I’m horrible.

Dude, it was July, by which time I was living in another state and preparing to go back on the road to cover the presidential campaign. And if you had any interest in the truth, Alex, you would never repeat anything that Brett Kimberlin or Neal Rauhauser said about anything, much less the lies they told in an attempt to discredit the guy who put his entire livelihood into telling the truth about them.

Fuck you, Alex Pareene. And fuck you, Bill Schmalfeldt.

Brett Kimberlin is a lying criminal. And this story isn’t over yet.






36 Responses to “Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser?”

  1. MrEvilMatt
    September 11th, 2013 @ 3:13 pm

    Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser?: “Especially important is the warn…

  2. Lockestep1776
    September 11th, 2013 @ 3:13 pm

    Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser?: “Especially important is the warn…

  3. CHideout
    September 11th, 2013 @ 3:13 pm

    Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser?: “Especially important is the warn…

  4. jwbrown1969
    September 11th, 2013 @ 3:13 pm

    Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser?: “Especially important is the warn…

  5. rsmccain
    September 11th, 2013 @ 3:16 pm

    “Brett Kimberlin is a lying criminal. And this story isn’t over yet.” #tlot #p2 #topprog #tcot @instapundit

  6. rsmccain
    September 11th, 2013 @ 3:17 pm

    RT @commonpatriot: via @rsmccain: Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser? #tcot

  7. vermontaigne
    September 11th, 2013 @ 3:20 pm

    RT @commonpatriot: via @rsmccain: Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser? #tcot

  8. rsmccain
    September 11th, 2013 @ 3:20 pm

    RT @MrEvilMatt: Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser?: “Especially important is the warn… http://t.…

  9. Professor_Why
    September 11th, 2013 @ 3:27 pm

    Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser?

  10. AmPowerBlog
    September 11th, 2013 @ 3:36 pm

    RT @rsmccain: “Brett Kimberlin is a lying criminal. And this story isn’t over yet.” #tlot #p2 #topprog #tcot @instap…

  11. DaTechGuyblog
    September 11th, 2013 @ 4:21 pm

    RT @rsmccain: “Brett Kimberlin is a lying criminal. And this story isn’t over yet.” #tlot #p2 #topprog #tcot @instap…

  12. Kimberlinunmask
    September 11th, 2013 @ 4:25 pm

    RT @rsmccain: “Brett Kimberlin is a lying criminal. And this story isn’t over yet.” #tlot #p2 #topprog #tcot @instap…

  13. Kimberlinunmask
    September 11th, 2013 @ 4:25 pm

    RT @commonpatriot: via @rsmccain: Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser? #tcot

  14. instapundit
    September 11th, 2013 @ 4:26 pm

    RT @commonpatriot: via @rsmccain: Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser? #tcot

  15. Tulsa Charter School Violates Sacrosanct ‘Pants on the Ground’ Rule | Regular Right Guy
    September 11th, 2013 @ 5:15 pm

    […] Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser? […]

  16. joethefatman1
    September 11th, 2013 @ 5:36 pm

    Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser?

  17. Ace Keeps Killin’ It Every Day : The Other McCain
    September 11th, 2013 @ 5:42 pm

    […] Once Ace does a headline like that, the story itself is almost an afterthought, and what more can I add, really? People are like, “Stacy, what’s up with the tangents, huh? I mean, WTF, Alex Pareene?” […]

  18. rsmccain
    September 11th, 2013 @ 5:51 pm

    Got a shortage of trolls in your Twitter timeline? Just say, “Fuck you, Bill Schmalfeldt” — problem solved!

  19. Dianna Deeley
    September 11th, 2013 @ 5:52 pm

    Have I mentioned recently how much I enjoy your periodic take-downs of various less than savory characters?

  20. robertstacymccain
    September 11th, 2013 @ 5:57 pm

    Thanks, Dianna. I saw that thing this morning and was like, “Oh, really? You’re going to resurrect that stale bullshit again?” It’s tiresome. I’ve been ignoring it for 15 months, but Bill seemed so pleased with himself I finally had to call it.

  21. Dianna Deeley
    September 11th, 2013 @ 6:01 pm

    I have never laughed quite as hard at a nasty, malicious lie as I did at Rauhauser’s reference to you in one of his weird posts. He must really be scared of you.

    Keep up the good work.

  22. rsmccain
    September 11th, 2013 @ 6:01 pm

    “Brett Kimberlin’s dishonesty, as a convicted perjurer, is a matter of public record.”

  23. AmPowerBlog
    September 11th, 2013 @ 8:11 pm

    “The most important fact about Brett #Kimberlin and his associate Neal Rauhauser is that they are liars.” @RSMcCain

  24. BobBelvedere
    September 11th, 2013 @ 8:15 pm

    RT @AmPowerBlog: “The most important fact about Brett #Kimberlin and his associate Neal Rauhauser is that they are liars.”…

  25. thatMrGguy
    September 11th, 2013 @ 8:25 pm

    Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser?

  26. OwainPenllyn
    September 11th, 2013 @ 9:15 pm

    Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named #BrettKimberlin & Neal Rauhauser? via @rsmccain #tcot

  27. Kimberlinunmask
    September 11th, 2013 @ 10:35 pm

    RT @AmPowerBlog: “The most important fact about Brett #Kimberlin and his associate Neal Rauhauser is that they are liars.”…

  28. Kimberlinunmask
    September 11th, 2013 @ 10:36 pm

    RT @rsmccain: “Brett Kimberlin’s dishonesty, as a convicted perjurer, is a matter of public record.”

  29. rmnixondeceased
    September 11th, 2013 @ 11:36 pm

    Lying liars that lie … both have express tickets to the Hades reception center and lakeside villas …

  30. McGehee
    September 12th, 2013 @ 9:00 am

    “[Brett Kimberlin] claimed he was secretly exonerated…”

    Secretly exonerated! His double-secret probation lifted!! He’s no longer a felon (except in the eyes of the public and all public records)!!!

  31. rsmccain
    September 12th, 2013 @ 10:03 am

    RT @AmPowerBlog: “The most important fact about Brett #Kimberlin and his associate Neal Rauhauser is that they are liars.”…

  32. Dear @Twitter Security: Kill These Fake Accounts (Real People RT, Please) : The Other McCain
    September 12th, 2013 @ 11:08 am

    […] Twitter should delete these  5,000 or so fakes — which would re-set my follower count to around 23,000 — for starters, and then undertake an investigation to find who is responsible for this. Some people are so evil they should never have access to the Internet. […]

  33. Can @Twitter @Safety Prevent This? : The Other McCain
    September 12th, 2013 @ 6:56 pm

    […] We don’t have to wonder why this happened, of course, but if it weren’t for services selling fake followers — a fraudulent and dishonest practice in itself — it wouldn’t be possible for someone to plunk down X dollars for X-number of fake accounts in what was apparently an attempt to get me sent to the “Twitter gulag” (see TGDN). And, honestly, it doesn’t take a genius to spot the fake accounts: […]

  34. lafayette41
    September 12th, 2013 @ 7:32 pm

    RT @rsmccain: Got a shortage of trolls in your Twitter timeline? Just say, “Fuck you, Bill Schmalfeldt” — problem solved!…

  35. John Reece
    September 13th, 2013 @ 4:16 am

    As someone who’s been in quite a few flame wars going back to the 80s I think completely ignoring online posts from such pathologically unsavory characters might not be the best strategy from an online reputation management perspective as their crap will likely get embedded in Google/Bing forever.

    One possible tactic is to strive that any riposte out-SEOs the smears and appears higher in the search engine results. Of course, that might be easier said than done. In any case, always, always include factual boilerplate about his criminal convictions but minimize potentially defamatory insults like “liar”.

    Finally, refusing to respond reminds me too much of the major GOP fail of refusing to return nasty Democrat fire going back to “Bush lied, thousands died”,etc.

  36. FMJRA 2.0: Caffeine Zombie : The Other McCain
    September 15th, 2013 @ 7:05 pm

    […] Alex Pareene’s ‘Sources,’ Perhaps Named Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser? […]