The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 04.30.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Proof Positive: The Cowboy and his Therapist First Street Journal: John Kerry Was Right Doug Powers: Obama’s National Security Adviser Prepped Susan Rice To Blame The Video For Benghazi Attack Twitchy: “A Sermon From A Bigot Who Hates Interracial Couples?” Larry Elder Smacks Spike Lee & The NAACP […]

Thank God for the ‘Pay Gap’!

Ladies, if you think inequality is bad, guess what happens when women make more than their husbands? When she makes more, marriage difficulties jump and divorce rates rise by 50%. Economists at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and the National University of Singapore found that traditional views of gender identity, particularly the […]

Barrett Brown Pleads Guilty

September 2012: Barrett Brown vows to ‘destroy’ an FBI agent News from Dallas today: A writer and activist linked to the hacking collective Anonymous pleaded guilty to federal charges on Tuesday alleging that he shared stolen data and posted an online threat saying he would try to harm a federal agent who was investigating him. […]

She Was Buried Alive

Oklahoma teenager Stephanie Neiman had just graduated from Perry High School that night in June 1999 when she and another girl went to visit their friend Bobby Boynt. Neiman, 19, was driving her blue Chevy pickup with a personalized license plate, “TAZZZ,” for the Tasmanian Devil cartoon character. Neiman and her 18-year-old friend’s trip to the […]

What Kind of ‘Militants’ Are They?

Probably radical Lutherans, I’d guess: For two weeks, retired teacher Samson Dawah prayed for news of his niece Saratu, who was among more than 230 schoolgirls snatched by Boko Haram militants in the north-eastern Nigerian village of Chibok. Then on Monday the agonising silence was broken. When Dawah called together his extended family members to […]

Pedophile ‘Schemed to Elude Justice’

Allegedly, I hasten to add. However, the phrase quoted in the headline doesn’t appear in this San Francisco Chronicle article: A well-known Livermore [California] golf coach charged with 75 felony counts alleging that he molested children is now facing accusations that he tried from jail to hire a hit man to kill three alleged victims, […]

A Typical ObamaCare Nightmare

The damage caused by the ObamaCare catastrophe — arguably the worst federal public policy initiative of the past 40 years — are usually discussed in terms of politics and macroeconomic statistics: X-number of jobs lost, an X-percent decline in President Obama’s poll numbers. True enough, the harms of the paradoxically named “Affordable Care Act” have […]

#RapeCulture? FBI: Illinois Democrat Bragged About Molesting 6-Year-Old Girl

When he resigned last month, many people were shocked to learn that an Illinois Democrat was under investigation for federal child pornography charges. Now court documents provide a lurid glimpse of The Pervert Party in action: Former Illinois State Rep. Keith Farnham was charged Monday with using both personal and state-owned computers to trade hundreds […]

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