Voodoo and Welfare: $2 Million Methamphetamine Bust in Florida
Posted on | April 1, 2014 | 20 Comments
LAKELAND — Nearly $2 million worth of methamphetamine was seized and 13 people arrested in what Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd is calling one of the biggest meth busts they’ve had in recent years.
In a press conference Wednesday, Judd laid out the details of the bust, known as Operation Hoodoo Voodoo, which involved 25 suspects distributing drugs across county and state lines, a stockpile of military-grade weaponry and a Voodoo priest. . . .
“We seized about 44 pounds,” said Judd. “That’s 20 kilos of pure methamphetamine.”
Investigators said drug lord Javier Flores, also known as “El Don,” managed large scale methamphetamine shipments to Lakeland, Florida, Atlanta, Georgia, and Las Vegas, Nevada through southern California from Mexico. The organization included a network of couriers, managers and distributors.
Flores would consult a Voodoo priest who would provide predictions, prophecies and readings regarding the organization’s decisions and welfare, officials said.
“This is Polk County vernacular, how we hoodoo the Voodoo man,” said Judd. “The day we served all the search warrants and made all the arrests, he told them, ‘Don’t worry about it, everything is fine.’
“Well, I agree with the Voodoo man, everything is fine. Polk County is safe and there’s a lot of drugs not in central Florida.”
Tucked down at the very end of the story:
$2 MIL FLORIDA METH BUST: 44% OF THE SUSPECTS ON WELFARE: http://t.co/PwRJRLAthj @DanRiehl @rsmccain
@PatDollard @michellemalkin @NolteNC
— JewishOdysseus (@JewishOdysseus) April 1, 2014
@rsmccain @JewishOdysseus @DanRiehl @PatDollard @michellemalkin @NolteNC Here in Florida, we call this a Tuesday.
— Torrey M. Spears (@torreymspears) April 1, 2014
That explains a lot of things, doesn't it? MT @WFTV "2.6M adults in FL are illiterate,"
— Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) April 1, 2014
20 Responses to “Voodoo and Welfare: $2 Million Methamphetamine Bust in Florida”
April 1st, 2014 @ 2:17 pm
When it comes to bat shit crazy, you had me at “Florida”
April 1st, 2014 @ 2:56 pm
I imagine the bust went something like this (probably nsfw): http://youtu.be/9o5znwfBcx0
April 1st, 2014 @ 4:05 pm
Better call Saul
April 1st, 2014 @ 4:07 pm
This sounds like somebody that Obama will pardon on his way out of office.
April 1st, 2014 @ 4:07 pm
But now all those millions of poor illiterate Floridians won’t have access to meth, just when they were going to pull all-nighters studying to be literate.
Now they will have to stay on welfare and food stamps.
It’s a vicious cycle.
April 1st, 2014 @ 4:08 pm
Add ’em to the ever-growing and never-ending list. I’m guessing Eric Holder and Lois Lerner are at the top, followed by Valerie Jarrett and Michelle’s mother.
April 1st, 2014 @ 4:09 pm
Seen his billboards.
April 1st, 2014 @ 4:30 pm
[…] Voodoo and Welfare: $2 Million Methamphetamine Bust in Florida […]
April 1st, 2014 @ 5:25 pm
As a transplanted Floridian, I would have to say our immediate neighborhood resembles these remarks. The grown son of our elderly neighbor lady across the street neighbor is a true FL Cracker(tm). After my son hit a deer on his motorcycle on his way to his 3rd shift job, said neighbor wanted to know where the deer carcass was. We figured he wanted the meat to feed his mother’s umpty-umpth dogs chained out in their yard. Next day when we saw him BBQing on the grill, I asked him if he got the roadkill deer. Yup, he said, took him all day to cut it up. He then asked me if we wanted a couple of “steaks.” Uh, no, no thanks. That deer had sat out overnight during a FL spring night…
April 1st, 2014 @ 5:25 pm
I guess meth runners aren’t doing so well. Perhaps we need to raise the minimum wage. That should solve the problem of meth runners on welfare.
April 1st, 2014 @ 5:29 pm
With fire fights like that it’s no wonder FedGov needs several billion rounds.
April 1st, 2014 @ 6:31 pm
The really weird thing about meth users is that it settles heavily into the welfare and food stamp population as the drug of choice. It’s all through the coal mining states, which the Dems have tried for years to turn into pure dependencies.
So clearly, not working all day makes you sleepy and unproductive or something. Either that or they fill the void with meth, viagra and women who haven’t had their ten-minutes to lesbianism course yet.
Or just maybe, they can’t achieve that “Billy Bob Teeth” look, thanks to flouride in the water, so they turn to meth to make it happen.
April 1st, 2014 @ 7:11 pm
Of COURSE they were on public assistance, Stacy. YOU try making a living in the drug trade when your boss only lets you work 30 hours so he doesn’t have to pay your healthcare penalty…
April 1st, 2014 @ 7:22 pm
It’s not “cracking down on welfare fraud.” The Democrats are calling it “Hispanic suppression.”
April 1st, 2014 @ 8:06 pm
[…] TOM: Voodoo and Welfare and a $2 Million Methamphetamine Bust in Florida […]
April 1st, 2014 @ 8:16 pm
For good reason they call Florida the North of the South.
April 1st, 2014 @ 9:24 pm
BSC is when you saw the movie forty years ago.
April 2nd, 2014 @ 1:29 am
OK, I’m a Florida native, but can somebody please explain to me how this is worse/involves more money than crimes committed by this adminstration? My point is, as far as I have observed, Florida is no longer psycho central, Washington DC is. DC is the new Florida.
April 3rd, 2014 @ 5:48 pm
It had been properly aged?
April 3rd, 2014 @ 9:21 pm
I guess 12 hours in a cool Florida spring night would be enough…