The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

ISIS Crisis in Ottawa Shooting? UPDATE: Gunman Is Canadian Muslim Convert

Posted on | October 22, 2014 | 51 Comments

Because I was offline working on another project today, I haven’t followed the developments in Ottawa, where a terrorist gunman and a soldier have reportedly been killed in an incident at the Canadian Parliament building. In a breaking news situation like this, I hesitate to speculate, but others are not hesitant, and there is a lot of chatter that this shooting in Canada is related to the Iraqi-Syrian Islamic terror group known as ISIS. We will wait and see.

Feel free to link in the comments to any new developments, and I may update later, when there are more certain facts to report.

UPDATE: Reuters is now reporting that the Ottawa shooter is a Canadian-born man named Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who converted to Islam.

Allahpundit has more details at Hot Air.

UPDATE II: Definitely looks like terrorism:

Zehaf-Bibeau . . . was recently designated a “high-risk traveller” by the Canadian government and that his passport had been seized – the same circumstances surrounding the case of Martin Rouleau-Couture, the Quebecker who was shot Monday after running down two Canadian Forces soldiers with his car.

Rouleau-Couture was also a convert to Islam. How much actual organization is behind these attacks, we don’t know. The so-called “leaderless cell” model can be difficult to detect. You see a dot here and a dot there, and it looks like a pattern, but you can’t always tell whether the evident pattern is actually a conspiracy.

UPDATE III: Various items from Twitter:




51 Responses to “ISIS Crisis in Ottawa Shooting? UPDATE: Gunman Is Canadian Muslim Convert”

  1. K-Bob
    October 24th, 2014 @ 12:11 pm


    I was desperate. I’m bandwidth limited, since my internet comes over the cellular networks. Autoplay is a killer for that. Especially the ones who insist on HD.

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