A Little Salt For The Democrat Gash
by Smitty This blog was a huge Christine O’Donnell booster, back when. No regrets. But one can’t let this fact pass un-touted, emphasis mine: The Christine O’Donnell thing really did happen more or less by accident, because she happened to be in the right place at the right time to catch an anti-establishment wave and […]
The Anti-War Movement Isn’t Dead; It’s Just Restin’
by Smitty Almost twenty years ago, when I could not conceive of ever being anything but a leftist, I joined a left-wing online discussion forum. Before that I’d had twenty years of face-to-face participation in leftist politics: marching, organizing, socializing. In this online forum, suddenly my only contact with others was the words those others […]
UPDATE: @AmandaBynes Is Crazy
This isn’t necessarily news to anyone who has followed the (literally) insane misadventures of Miss Ultimate Starlet Meltdown: Amanda Bynes is flat-out admitting it. She was tired and fell asleep on a couch at her local mall, the Beverly Center. It’s the latest step in the Amanda Bynes journey. She tweeted that she slept there […]
Feminists: They’re Not About the ‘D’
How many times do I have to say feminism is a journey to lesbianism before people start waking up to the truth? Liberal guys need to realize their “male feminist” thing is never going to work: A male-led campaign to promote affirmative consent for sex at DePaul University — which is nominally Catholic but runs […]
‘Broken People,’ Cats and Prozac
Rebecca Jane Stokes (@Beeswrite) is a columnist for the feminist site @xojanedotcom and by “feminist site,” I mean digital estrogen. If you want ball-busting radical man-hating, you’ll have to look elsewhere. XOJane is more about pathetic narcissism. Glenn Reynolds’ remark about “broken people” — made in reference to the radical man-hater Kate Millett — came to […]
LIVE AT FIVE: 11.07.14
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Sixth Circuit Breaks Ranks: Upholds Gay Marriage Bans In Four States Decision says gay marriage best decided through the political process, not the courts Back to the Supreme Court Narendra Modi Visits Varanasi Opens trade facilitation center for weavers Asks weavers to utilize e-commerce market Goa Chief Minister resigns, […]
Harvard #SexWeek Punch Lines
Years ago, when I was covering education for a newspaper in Georgia — when my oldest daughter (now 25) was in kindergarten and my twin sons (now 22) were just toddlers — I came to the conclusion that “sex education” in schools is (a) morally corrupting and (b) a harmful waste of taxpayer money. As […]
And @AlecMacGillis Misses the Bus
To quote what I said Wednesday: The aftermath of a wave election always involves a contest by partisans and pundits to seize control of the narrative, to tell us What It Really Means, although usually the truth can only be known with the advantage of hindsight. When Democrats sustain a world-historic ass-kicking, as they did Tuesday, a certain […]
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