The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Massachusetts Man Arrested for Kidnapping Teen Girls for Prostitution

Posted on | January 17, 2015 | 10 Comments

Derek Miranda was arrested in Rhode Island:

Three missing girls from Massachusetts were being held against their will in Providence to be sold for sex by an 21-year-old Dorchester man, according to Providence police.
Their whereabouts were discovered late Thursday night when one of the 14-year-old girls managed to escape the third-floor apartment at 95 Cumerford St. and got help, said Maj. David Lapatin.
The girl was “visibly shaking and upset” when Patrolman Alex Kanelopoulos arrived and found her and the father of another girl outside the house, according to a police report. She told the officer that the man inside had “guns” and wouldn’t let them leave — and the father said his 15-year-old daughter was still in there, the report said.
Police tried several times to contact someone in the apartment, and then just went in and ordered everyone to the floor. They found the 15-year-old girl and another 14-year-old girl, along with a 21-year-old woman and Derek Miranda, who police say was trafficking the underage girls. . . .
Miranda, who has an address at Gibson Street in Dorchester, Mass., told the police the Cumerford apartment was his aunt’s residence, according to the report. Detectives are still investigating how the girls ended up with Miranda and what has transpired.

That harrowing story comes just days after federal authorities busted another prostitution operation in Providence:

A former Massachusetts man faces federal charges of trafficking two homeless women into Providence and selling them for sex from a sparse apartment in Federal Hill.
Damien Beverly, 29, who moved into 149 Ridge St., had lured the two women from South Station in Boston with promises they’d make money, according to an affidavit accompanying his arrest warrant.
Instead, the state police found that Beverly was “paying” the women in heroin –- and threatening that he’d hurt their families if they went to police, the affidavit said. The women’s photos were posted on, and tallies of the number of customers were logged on a whiteboard in the house, the affidavit said.
Beverly, nicknamed “Black,” bragged about being a pimp and had a homeless man drive him around in a 2001 black Lincoln, the affidavit said. He was arrested Tuesday, when state and federal authorities raided the apartment house and freed the two women.
Beverly was arraigned Wednesday before U.S. Magistrate Patricia Sullivan on charges of interstate transportation for prostitution, enticing a person to travel for prostitution, sex trafficking, and distribution of heroin.

So what is it with Boston pimps and Rhode Island? Is this some kind of market-demand situation? Are there not enough pimps or prostitutes in Providence to handle the local traffic?



10 Responses to “Massachusetts Man Arrested for Kidnapping Teen Girls for Prostitution”

  1. Adobe_Walls
    January 17th, 2015 @ 8:59 pm

    I’ve never understood why rape was removed from the list of capital crimes. Surely there are enough aggravating circumstances and other crimes to warrant it in these two cases.

  2. kilo6
    January 17th, 2015 @ 9:22 pm

    Makes me long for some capital punishment from ye olden days, I’m talking about how Odysseus took care of the Suitors of Penelope. The accused should get a fair trial but not the coddling that’s provided to some criminals these days.

  3. Jim R
    January 17th, 2015 @ 10:04 pm

    “There to hang by the neck until you are dead, dead, DEAD, you contemptible mother f*cker. And may God have mercy on your soul, because I’m fresh out.”

    I think I missed my calling in life. Really, why is “hanging judge” such a term of opprobrium?

  4. tricknologist
    January 17th, 2015 @ 10:08 pm

    It was Coker vs. Georgia that made the death penalty for rape “unconstitutional”.

    I think that forcible rape should be punished with a bullet to the back of the head. But the same liberals that promote the idea that we have a “rape culture” have done everything they could to prevent rape. Stopping rapes tends to interfere with the narrative of the Left.

  5. Jim R
    January 17th, 2015 @ 10:12 pm

    I am entirely of your way of thinking. Certainly we don’t need to hang* every rapist, but some of them certainly deserve it.


    (*) And I do mean HANG. In public. And leave the body up for a while as a very visual warning to hoodlums and would-be hoodlums: “This could be you. Commit a serious crime and it WILL be you.”

  6. cliffyk
    January 17th, 2015 @ 10:18 pm

    I have no words, other than that I will supply the weapon and bullets, and if no one else wants to do it pull the trigger–then have a great night’s sleep knowing that I have made the world a little bit better place…

  7. Adobe_Walls
    January 17th, 2015 @ 10:39 pm

    Did a quick read. The reasoning for striking Georgia’s law based on the prohibition against cruel and unusual penalties (8th amendment) has got to be one of the stupidest arguments ever. Of course this shouldn’t be surprising. Clearly the court is incapable of discerning the meaning of cruel or unusual as the founders meant it.

  8. Chris Smith
    January 18th, 2015 @ 2:22 am

    Prostitution was semi-legal in Rhode Island until 2009. They only had laws for streetwalking, nothing about the actual buying and selling of sex in private residences. So there’s still an infrastructure and demand to support that sort of prostitution.

    Plus, it’s Rhode Island. Tiny state, tiny police force, lots of old-timey “grease the wheels” corruption. (E.g. Providence Mayor Buddy Cianci).

  9. Fail Burton
    January 18th, 2015 @ 2:24 am

    I wouldn’t worry about it, feminist bloggers are all over this stuff. Rolling Stone will do an article and people will lay down in the street and feminists will deputize a mob and go do something or other.

  10. Daniel Freeman
    January 18th, 2015 @ 2:23 pm

    And the local university will suspend its fraternities. That will solve the problem!
