The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Is This Donald Trump’s Testimony?

Posted on | January 31, 2016 | 52 Comments

by Smitty

Byron York talks to The Hair and The Donald beneath it, asking the following:

Let’s go to Ted Cruz. He is apparently testing ways to attack you in Iowa. His campaign is calling people, testing, saying you have never asked God for forgiveness, saying you’re a “New York liberal pretending to have conservative values.” What do you think about that?

Well, first of all, I’m a believer in a very big way. I went through my Sunday school, I’ve done everything that you’re supposed to do and that I love doing, and I feel really great about it. I think that the evangelicals have really taken to me, and I taken to them, and I’ve always taken to them. I’m doing very well with the evangelicals. In fact, nationwide, I’m leading by a substantial margin.

Stipulate that there is not a precise, cookie-cutter approach to offering a testimony, and York did not ask: “What is your Testimony?” So, one must take whatever the answer is at face value.
This bit from is of note:

According to the progressive publication Thinkprogress, Donald Trump’s consistent claims to be a member of the Queens Presbytery has been a source of considerable embarrassment and discomfort to the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. It is well known that the denomination has publicly come out in support of gay marriage and other liberal policies. Additionally, the church as a whole has publicly committed to assisting the proposed intake of Syrian refugees. Both of these positions are directly opposed to Donald Trump’s positions and statements.

The church issued a statement Wednesday denouncing Trump’s comments as un-Christian and inconsistent with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. They also announced their intention to attempt to expel Donald Trump from the Presbyterian faith. Presbyterians have a mechanism for expulsion that is similar to the Catholic practice of excommunication. An entity or individual within the church can make a complaint against a member which leads to judicial proceedings. Depending on the outcome of these proceedings, the member may then be expelled from the church. This would effectively mean that Trump would no longer have access to church services and sacraments, and would also put paid to any connection Donald Trump’s campaign might seek to establish with the Presbyterian denomination.

It’s hard to tell what to make of all that, on a variety of levels. In the case of, for example, Carson, Rubio, Cruz, Santorum, Huckabee, and Paul, it’s less hard to tell. I’ve heard Christie allude to his Catholicism. Don’t know about Fiorina too much.
Faith, while a personal matter, is an important check on megalomania. It would be instructive to hear, in an offline, off the record setting, Donald Trump’s actual testimony.


52 Responses to “Is This Donald Trump’s Testimony?”

  1. Quartermaster
    February 2nd, 2016 @ 6:32 pm

    You’ve done no such thing!

    When concern00 made his post a few threads back you whined about him trying to force Christ down your throat. He had a right to make his port, and all you could do is whine about it. He said nothing about public policy. It’s been that way with you since the beginning.

    As I have pointed out before, you’re simply a liar. You argue like am SJW and whine when you get caught out. If you don’t like it, then restrain those fingers, or ignore what you should. Either would solve your problem.

  2. NeoWayland
    February 2nd, 2016 @ 7:18 pm

    concern00 tried redefining the thread as if the Christian viewpoint was the defining viewpoint. I disagreed.

    My exact words were “And “poof,” an amazingly good conversation is turned into a proclamation of Christian theology.”

    I’ve found that when people start placing other people’s behavior in a Biblical “context,” they spend more time talking about the Bible than they do trying to solve the problem. It becomes Somebody Else’s Problem (thanks to the late Douglas Adams for the phrase).

    You know, these accusations of me lying would work better if you could actually show that I lied.
