The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#FreeStacy Won’t Shut Up

Posted on | February 28, 2016 | 105 Comments


The difference between Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq on Twitter) and myself can be summarized, as Da Tech Guy points out, in a single paragraph from Debra Saunders’ column:

I reached out to Sarkeesian: no response. I reached out to a woman who tweeted that McCain harassed her friend: no reply. McCain would talk. He noted that of the 40 organizations on the Twitter Council, many are left-leaning and none is conservative or libertarian. The Twitter Council is an echo chamber. “There are some people who just can’t stand the idea that someone could have access to Twitter or anything, or a platform to be able to criticize them,” McCain told me. They don’t believe in freedom of expression for others. Free speech is not safe. And Jack Dorsey has made them Twitter’s bouncers.

Damn right. Anita Sarkeesian is a selfish liar who falsely accuses her critics of wanting to “silence” her and other feminists:

What happened to me, and sadly other women as well, can best be described as a cyber mob.
And whether it’s a cyber mob or just a handful of hateful comments, the end result is maintaining and reinforcing and normalizing a culture of sexism — where men who harass are supported by their peers and rewarded for their sexist attitudes and behaviors and where women are silenced, marginalized and excluded from full participation.

Well, who is silencing whom, Ms. Sarkeesian? Who is being “excluded”? Not you, but rather your critics, who are never permitted to reply directly to your dishonest accusations about a “culture of sexism.”

Anita Sarkeesian has never engaged in a dialogue with anyone who disagrees with her dangerous ideology, and why? Because feminism is always a lecture, never a debate. Radical feminists like Anita Sarkeesian crave absolute power, including the power to silence others.

As I wrote in an email to my buddy Bert the Samoan Lawyer yesterday:

Remember: Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It. And also elect Hillary Clinton, but I repeat myself.

What does anyone need to fear from me? Only the possibility that I might state some facts they do not want others to know.


Anita Sarkeesian is an ally of extremist hatemonger Melissa Fabello, managing editor of the anti-male/anti-heterosexual website Everyday Feminism dedicated to promoting an “LGBTQIA+” agenda.

Has anyone asked Anita Sarkeesian why she would associate with a deranged fanatic who uses her Twitter account to publish obscene screeds against white heterosexual men?


If you want to ask Anita Sarkeesian a question about that on Twitter, you will be blocked and perhaps accused of harassment — “participating in targeted abuse” — because The First Rule of Feminism is “SHUT UP!”

“Denying or dismissing the sexism that permeates our culture is, in and of itself, a form of sexism.”
Anita Sarkeesian, July 17, 2013

This is the perfect example of “Kafkatrapping”: Accuse someone of wrongdoing and, when they deny the accusation, assert that their denial is proof of their guilt. Sarkeesian’s claim that “sexism . . . permeates our culture” merely restates what was said more than 40 years earlier by Shulamith Firestone’s radical feminist collective Redstockings, and what university Women’s Studies professors teach young people to believe.

“Women are an oppressed class. . . .
“We identify the agents of our oppression as men. . . . All men have oppressed women.”

Redstockings, 1969

“Feminist consciousness is consciousness of victimization . . . to come to see oneself as a victim.”
Sandra Lee Bartky, Femininity and Domination: Studies in the Phenomenology of Oppression (1990)

“Since sex is something men do to women . . . men dominate and control women. . . .
“In other words, heterosexuality is the foundation of the social structure of male dominance, and successfully attacking it could bring down the whole house. . . .
“The need for a unified feminist theory of sexuality is clear. If one concludes, as many feminists have, that heterosexuality is the primary and most powerful mechanism of social control, then understanding its meaning in all forms is imperative if male dominance is ever to be overcome.”

S.P. Schacht and Patricia H. Atchison, “Heterosexual Instrumentalism: Past and Future Directions,” in Heterosexuality: A Feminism and Psychology Reader, edited by Sue Wilkinson and Celia Kitzinger (1993)

“There are politics in sexual relationships because they occur in the context of a society that assigns power based on gender and other systems of inequality and privilege. . . . [T]he interconnections of systems are reflected in the concept of heteropatriarchy, the dominance associated with a gender binary system that presumes heterosexuality as a social norm. . . .
“As many feminists have pointed out, heterosexuality is organized in such a way that the power men have in society gets carried into relationships and can encourage women’s subservience, sexually and emotionally.”

Susan M. Shaw and Janet Lee, Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions (fifth edition, 2012)

Feminists assert that all women are oppressed by all men. This means that no matter how privileged a woman may be, “feminist consciousness” requires her to think of herself as a victim. Because feminists condemn heterosexuality as the “mechanism” by which “men dominate and control women,” then the “power men have in society” (i.e., “male supremacy”) means that men’s normal sexual interest in women is inherently oppressive (i.e., “sexist”) within a system of “heteropatriarchy” that requires “women’s subservience, sexually and emotionally.”


This kind of “unified feminist theory” is taught in Women’s Studies programs on hundreds of campuses — the popular textbook Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions is edited by two professors at Oregon State University — which is why Feminism Is Queer, to quote the title of a textbook by Eastern Washington University Professor Mimi Marinucci.

This explains why Everyday Feminism editor Melissa Fabello rejects heterosexuality as a “charade,” calling herself “queer,” an identity she says she chose after previously calling herself “homoflexible. And before that, a lesbian. And even before that, bisexual.” Ms. Fabello can rant at length about her dislike of heterosexuality and her contempt for males, none of whom know anything about “a woman’s sexual pleasure” and never bother to ask, so that she prefers masturbating when she isn’t having “lesbian relationships . . . with ‘straight curious’ girls.”

You think maybe Ms. Fabello hates men and wants them to shut up?


Melissa Fabello “got to talk media and feminism . . . over dinner” with Anita Sarkeesian on Feb. 19 — the same day Twitter shut down my account, and this could be just a coincidence. Sure, I’ve been mocking Ms. Fabello’s site Everyday Feminism here on a regular basis for months (e.g., “The Queering of Feminism” and “Your Heterosexual Feminism Is Wrong”), and sure, Anita Sarkeesian is buddy-buddy with Twitter “Trust and Safety” Commissar Del Harvey, but it would be ludicrous — perhaps even paranoid — to think that Melissa Fabello, Anita Sarkeesian and Del Harvey might all agree that my popular @rsmccain account should be “silenced, marginalized and excluded” from Twitter.

Oh, I was born at night, ma’am, but it sure wasn’t last night. It’s not “paranoia” if people actually are out to get you, and when we realize that (a) this is an election year where Democrats expect to leverage the Feminist™ brand to elect Hillary Clinton president, and (b) wealthy Twitter executives are hosting fundraisers for Hillary Clinton, a persistent critic of feminism would have to be crazy not to be paranoid.


Not as if Hillary Clinton would have a guy arrested for making a YouTube video in an effort to cover up her own bungling in Benghazi, right?

+ o + o +


The #FreeStacy movement, a grassroots response to Twitter’s Feb. 19 decision to suspend my popular @rsmccain account, has received international attention. You can help support this movement by including the #FreeStacy hashtag on your Twitter messages, by retweeting messages in support of this movement, and by signing up at, which is dedicated to defending free speech rights on social media. Thanks to everyone who has helped spread the word.

Robert Stacy McCain





105 Responses to “#FreeStacy Won’t Shut Up”

  1. Quartermaster
    March 1st, 2016 @ 1:11 pm

    There were about 10 women in the entire Engineering School when I was At Tenn Tech. The Physics Department had one really cute babe when I was a TA, tho. Too bad I was already at my bag limit.

  2. Jeanette Victoria
    March 1st, 2016 @ 1:47 pm

    I was already married but I did overhear my electronics instructor and a male student discuss my “assets” LOL

  3. DeadMessenger
    March 1st, 2016 @ 7:59 pm

    Wholeheartedly agree with that.

  4. #FreeStacy #CPAC2016: I’ve Got Friends in Low Places (and Everywhere Else) : The Other McCain
    March 5th, 2016 @ 11:17 am

    […] Feb. 28: #FreeStacy Won’t Shut Up […]

  5. News of the Week (March 6th, 2016) | The Political Hat
    March 6th, 2016 @ 6:36 pm

    […] #FreeStacy Won’t Shut Up The difference between Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq on Twitter) and myself can be summarized, as Da Tech Guy points out, in a single paragraph from Debra Saunders’ column […]

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