The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Everybody Hates @PennyRed (And Really, How Can You Blame Them?)

Posted on | March 22, 2016 | 107 Comments


“I have spent most of my twenties single, sometimes by choice, and sometimes because I was dating men and unable to locate one of those who didn’t try to hold me back or squash me down.”
Laurie Penny, Feb. 14, 2016

Last time we checked in with British “genderqueer” feminist Laurie Penny, the mentally ill Marxist was insisting we must “recognize that ‘manhood’ and ‘womanhood’ are made-up categories, invented to control human beings and violently imposed.” In other words, because maladjusted weirdos like her are unhappy, the rest of us must be made to feel ashamed of ourselves for being normal, sane, happy people.

In the aftermath of last year’s Paris terrorist attacks, Laurie Penny quite predictably made a fool of herself by proclaiming: “I am infuriated by white men stirring up anti-Muslim prejudice to derail debate on western sexism.” And after Muslim men went on a rampage of sexual assaults against women in Germany on New Year’s Eve, she returned to the same theme in a column with the headline, “After Cologne, we can’t let the bigots steal feminism.” Laurie Penny is clearly a monomaniacal fanatic, who reacts to every atrocity perpetrated by Muslims as if it were a Rorschach test. To her, the inkblot is always Islamophobia, an excuse to heap more hatred on the heads of white men, those bigots whose “anti-Muslim prejudice” makes them the real villains of the story.

No matter how many girls are raped by ISIS or enslaved by Boko Haram, ideologues like Laurie Penny can never relent from blaming every problem in the world on white men whose “privilege” makes them designated villains in the feminist narrative of patriarchal oppression.

Laurie Penny is a hatemonger.

Let us cease mincing words about the kind of “feminism” that such monstrous creatures have popularized in the name of social justice.

Laurie Penny is to women’s equality what Richard III was to the British monarchy, a vile and loathsome stain. Her relentless vituperation of white males, like her celebration of “genderqueer” lunacy, expresses the infantile rage of a spoiled brat. Her antisocial personality traits are conveniently rationalized by a soi-disant “progressive” ideology that provides her warped mind with demonized scapegoats (white people, males, capitalists) whose alleged evils (racism, sexism, greed) she can congratulate herself for denouncing. And if anyone objects to her insulting and irresponsible rhetoric, the feminist hatemonger engages in the “Kafkatrapping” tactic of citing the objections of her targeted scapegoats as proof that they are guilty as charged.

Laurie Penny is tediously predictable, and after she tweeted about Tuesday’s terrorist attack in Brussels, someone sarcastically responded that he was “looking forward to her explaining how this is all the fault of the western patriarchy and white men.” Considering her recent history of twisting Islamic atrocities into an excuse for denouncing white men as “bigots,” this was a jab she had invited on herself. However, Laurie Penny cannot accept responsibility for her own bad reputation. To a feminist, patriarchy is an all-purpose excuse, which means that Laurie Penny never considers herself responsible for any of her problems. If her bad judgment and shameless immorality turn her love life into a pathetic catastrophe of loneliness and misery? Not her fault! Laurie Penny writes a Valentine’s Day column blaming her romantic woes on men who “try to hold me back or squash me down.” (More sensibly, she could blame the men who were wise enough to avoid her altogether.) So when she got jabbed Tuesday morning, how do you suppose she responded?

Would you guess (a) complaining she’s a victim of “misogynist abuse,” or (b) claiming that “misogynists and racists” were engaging in an “attack” on her? Congratulations, both (a) and (b) are correct!

And so is (c) boo-hooing that critics were “deliberately misinterpreting a tweet” to suggest she supports terrorism, as well as (d) whining about “hatespeech” directed at her, and (e) lamenting “these personal attacks” as “appalling and tasteless.” So utterly predictable.

Laurie Penny is not merely wrong about everything, but she is also obnoxiously self-important, imagining herself endowed with precocious wisdom that entitles her to lecture everyone about her favor subject, i.e., how much smarter she is than any other person on the planet.

Laurie Penny is an unusually bad person — selfish, dishonest and cruel — and it is no surprise that most people don’t like her. She is the sort of clever fool who is admired only by dimwitted fools. She only associates with fools for the same reason all her ex-boyfriends were jerks, namely that no wise person would ever associate with a fool like Laurie Penny.

Did I mention she’s a feminist? Yeah, pretty sure I did.



107 Responses to “Everybody Hates @PennyRed (And Really, How Can You Blame Them?)”

  1. Wombat_socho
    March 25th, 2016 @ 1:12 am

    Her latest plea for money is apparently not going well. Heh.

  2. Fail Burton
    March 25th, 2016 @ 2:51 am

    She’s a con artist, and not a particularly clever one. It’s one thing to raise funds from mentally ill hysterics feminists in geek communities, but outside a few echo-chambers that’s not really big in America. There’s a reason people don’t like that woman and it’s not misogyny. However her career is based on exactly being disliked by making inflammatory comments and then crying for money about it.

  3. Quartermaster
    March 25th, 2016 @ 9:31 am

    Over at Neptunus Lex we used the term “Splodey Dopes.” If they really are after this guy, and botched it 3 times, then the term above applies with a vengeance.

  4. Quartermaster
    March 25th, 2016 @ 9:32 am

    Since he might be expended next time, I’d choose Hillary.

  5. Quartermaster
    March 25th, 2016 @ 9:39 am

    Not being interested in women who are stark raving mad is a serious character fault in men.

  6. Alice Miles
    March 26th, 2016 @ 5:05 am

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  7. Alice Miles
    March 26th, 2016 @ 5:05 am

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