The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

What #GamerGate Should Teach Us (But @JesseSingal Refuses to Learn)

The world does not divide along neat political lines, but the temptation toward what Julian Sanchez dubbed epistemic closure is one that too many journalists are unable to resist. To approach the news from a perspective of partisanship — “Does this help Our Side?” — is the kind of error that leads to Walter Duranty […]

Feminism: It’s About SCIENCE!

  Sex is about reproductive biology. Human beings are mammals, and any eighth-grader can figure out what that means in terms of sex. Once you understand this scientific definition of sex, everything else is just details. Young people have to figure out how to attract potential partners, how to choose a good partner from among […]

Feminists Demand Quotas for Award Nominations at Cannes Film Festival

What does “equality” mean? This is the question people fail to ask when they accept the claim that feminism is simply about equality. Most people think of “equality” as a synonym for fairness, and are willing to agree to a definition of feminism as equality, because everybody is in favor of fairness, right? If you […]

Jian Ghomeshi, Sexual Harassment and the Enchanted Crocodiles of Feminism

  Most Americans have never heard of Jian Ghomeshi, but he’s a celebrity in Canada. Ghomeshi was apparently a serial harasser of women. He was accused of sexual assault, put on trial and acquitted last month. This touched off an endless carnival of pontification by Canadian feminists, who are arguably the most unhinged feminists on […]

Teenager Livestreams Her Friend’s Rape

Marina Lonina (left) and Raymond Gates (right) The Decline and Fall of American Civilization: An Ohio teenager accused of live-streaming the rape of her 17-year-old friend has pleaded not guilty to multiple charges stemming from the alleged incident in February. Marina Lonina, 18, a student at New Albany High School, outside Columbus, was attempting to […]

Beware of Sex in the Social Media Age (Because the Internet Is Forever)

  Jason Lee Weight is a young British writer/director who recently began producing an animation series called Sam Sweetmilk and, according to a Tumblr blogger named Rosie, Jason Lee Weight is a rapist: This may be triggering so *TRIGGERWARNING*. It was typed in one sitting, so might be a bit all over the place. For a […]

A Pro-@TedCruz Rant

by Smitty [View the story “A Pro-@TedCruz Rant” on Storify]

Who Are These Losers?

Never Take Advice From Feminists, unless your goal in life is to become a Crazy Cat Lady. Everyone with a modicum of common sense should understand why seeking advice from failures is unwise. If you want to get rich, you probably wouldn’t ask a homeless drunk on the park bench for advice on how to do it, […]

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