The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Anti-Israel SJW @bendykoval Calls Beauty Pageant ‘White Supremacy’

Posted on | August 5, 2016 | 102 Comments


Bethany Koval (@bendykoval on Twitter) is an “anti-Zionist Jew from New Jersey fighting for radical change,” according to her profile at the anti-Israel web site New Jewish Resistance. Earlier this year, Koval was accused of bullying a fellow high-school student who disagreed with her. Koval’s reaction to the Miss Teen USA pageant last week shows that hating Israel is certainly not her only fringe view.


After the pageant’s Twitter account published a photo of the five finalists in the July 30 contest, Koval responded by comparing the contestants — all blue-eyed blondes — to so many identical jars of mayonnaise.


This bit of sarcasm got more than 12,000 retweets and 18,000 likes on Twitter, but then Koval issued a series of Tweets asserting in apparent seriousness that beauty pageants promote “white supremacy.”


Feminists have always been anti-beauty. The first protest of the Women’s Liberation movement was against  the 1968 Miss America pageant, an event they said served “to further make women oppressed and men oppressors; to enslave us all the more in high-heeled, low-status roles.” Pageant contestants “epitomize the roles we are all forced to play as women,” feminists claimed, because women are “forced daily to compete for male approval, enslaved by ludicrous ‘beauty’ standards.”

Bethany Koval hates Hillary Clinton, condemning the Democrat as a warmonger with blood on her hands who is not a feminist.


In June, after a Muslim man attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando, Bethany Koval called for the formation of feminist vigilante groups.


Radical teenager with clinical depression who hates Israel and Hillary Clinton, calling for “militant” action? Nothing to worry about, I guess.



102 Responses to “Anti-Israel SJW @bendykoval Calls Beauty Pageant ‘White Supremacy’”

  1. honzik
    August 7th, 2016 @ 1:08 pm

    Yep. In both ideologies envy masquerades as “justice”.

  2. Martin Davies
    August 8th, 2016 @ 7:34 am

    Of course she’s jealous. She’s a (((communist))) and a (((feminist)))

    You’re welcome!
