The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

How Sick Is Hillary?

Posted on | September 12, 2016 | 1 Comment

The Democrat nominee’s health has become a legitimate issue in the presidential campaign. Her coughing fit at a Labor Day rally in Cleveland was at first dismissed as a random incident, but after she appeared to collapse Sunday after a 9-11 remembrance in New York, the Clinton campaign admitted the former Secretary of State has pneumonia, and she took a day off to recuperate. Now some Democrats are worried, and are wondering why the campaign hid Hillary’s problem so long:

As Hillary Clinton’s health moves from the fringes to the center of the 2016 presidential campaign, there’s a lot we still don’t know about her scare this weekend.
Here’s what we do know: Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. During a Sept. 11 memorial event on Sunday at Ground Zero, she was unsteady and clearly needed help getting into a van after becoming “overheated and dehydrated.” And Clinton canceled a planned to trip to California for Monday while she rests at home. . . .
Clinton suffered a coughing attack last week during an appearance in Cleveland, which she dismissed as seasonal allergies. She received her pneumonia diagnosis on Friday, but the public was not told about it until hours after the incident at the memorial, raising questions about whether Clinton had any plans to ever inform the public. Between the diagnosis and the near-collapse, Clinton appeared at two fundraisers, ran a national security working session, and held a press conference.
Clinton’s campaign appears to have, at best, withheld information from the public and — at worst — misled them by aggressively batting down “conspiracy theories” that her coughing fit was anything more than allergies. Opponents are already seeing the incident as proof of their claims that Clinton has been hiding health issues. And others may now be more incredulous of the campaign’s statements on her health.

(Via Memeorandum.)



One Response to “How Sick Is Hillary?”

  1. Confirmed: Soccer Is Gay : The Other McCain
    September 16th, 2016 @ 9:21 pm

    […] family home. She moved to Iowa, where she was feeling kind of depressed until the video came out showing Hillary Clinton collapsing in New York. That made Cynthia very happy. Trump’s leading in Iowa, where they play football, like good […]
