The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Bitches and Hoes and Feminism

Mac Miller performs in a 2011 hiphop video. What’s the worst thing about feminism? The hypocrisy, perhaps. Let’s remember what Vox Day says about social justice warriors (SJWs): SJWs always lie. SJWs always double down. SJWs always project. It’s the lying and psychological projection that produces feminism’s trademark hypocrisy. When morally corrupt people are engaged […]

In The Mailbox: 12.28.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Proof Positive: When They’re Really Better At Pandering EBL: Obama And Kerry – Let’s Screw The Jews! Michelle Malkin: Thank You, Professor Sowell Twitchy: Here’s What’s Next For Shaun King Louder With Crowder: John Kerry – “Israel Can be Jewish Or Democratic. It Can’t Be Both.” RIPPED FROM […]

Unhinged by Hate: Georgetown Professor Harasses Trump Voter @AsraNomani

  The paranoid rage, anxiety and depression within the Democrat Party in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s defeat has been most intense inside elite academia. At Yale University, students were reportedly traumatized by the election results, a Rutgers University professor was sent to a mental ward after his bizarre Twitter rant, and a Women’s Studies […]

Paranoid Democrat Cancels Annual Holiday Party, Blames Trump/Hitler

  “Henry Rosen has been a Dallas resident for nearly 40 years,” reads the caption at the Daily Kos column headlined, “Why Trump voters are not welcome in my house this holiday,” which is full-on paranoia: My wife Alice and I are not having our after-the-holidays party this year. It’s a 20+ year tradition; a […]

Queer Feminism vs. ‘The Fragile Male Ego’

Allison Moon wants to talk to your daughter about dildo sex. “I’m standing with Planned Parenthood because teenage horniness is a force of nature. . . . There’s nothing that will convince teens ready to have sex not to have sex. . . . Planned Parenthood . . . provides comprehensive sexual health information.” — […]

In the Mailbox: 12.27.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM BattleSwarm: Venezuelan Socialism Out-Grinches Itself EBL: So Why Is Biden Trashing Hillary? Twitchy: Outrage Mob Descends On Cinnabon Over (Now-Deleted) Carrie Fisher Tribute Louder With Crowder: Netanyahu Spox Says Obama Helped Craft Abominable Anti-Israel UN Resolution RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES Adam Piggott: Why Are Progressives Always Afraid? American […]


  The actress who became famous as Princess Leia in the Star Wars movies has died at age 60, after suffering a heart attack. Her death came while the latest film in the Star Wars saga, Rogue One, was No. 1 at the box office. She won critical praise for her performance in the original […]

2016: The Year in Dog Sex

  Jesus Gutierrez, 39, lived with his 43-year-old girlfriend and her pet Maltese dog, Princess, in a New York City apartment. One day in April, when the girlfriend left for work, she set up a video camera to record what was going on in the apartment during her absence. She was certainly correct in suspecting […]

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