The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Huge Wall™ of America

Posted on | January 25, 2017 | Comments Off on The Huge Wall™ of America


Did I ever tell you my youngest daughter is a genius? All my kids are smart, but Reagan is 99th percentile smart, and last month she was talking about The Huge Wall™ of America. China has its Great Wall, but President Trump is going to build a Huge Wall™ and, considering his successful career in real-estate development, shouldn’t we expect this project on the Mexican border to be a huge success? My daughter Reagan expressed the idea that the new border wall could be a major tourist attraction, and why not? There could be shopping (The Huge Wall Mall) and resort hotels (The Trump Wall Casino) and all sorts of commercial development along the border. Restaurants, playgrounds for the kids, water parks and roller coasters — like Disney World, except huge.

The New York Times reports:

President Trump on Wednesday will order the construction of a Mexican border wall — the first in a series of actions this week to crack down on immigrants and bolster national security, including slashing the number of refugees who can resettle in the United States and blocking Syrians and others from “terror prone” nations from entering, at least temporarily…
“Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Tuesday night. “Among many other things, we will build the wall!”
Mr. Trump will sign the executive order for the wall during an appearance at the Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday, as Mexico’s foreign minister, Luis Videgaray, arrives in Washington to prepare for the visit of President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico.

The secret to making this project work, as my genius daughter perceived, is capitalism. Democrats spent eight years talking about “infrastructure investments” during the Obama administration, but President Trump is actually going to do it. The Huge Wall™ of America is going to be the biggest federal infrastructure project in American history. It’s going to make the Hoover Dam look like a kid’s Lego toy set by comparison. By unleashing the power of free enterprise along the southwestern border — retirement communities! golf courses! multiplex cinemas! — The Huge Wall™ of America will generate enormous new tax revenues.

Think about the I-10 corridor from Texas to California — miles and miles of empty scrub land, full of coyotes, rattlesnakes and jackrabbits. Yes, and 50 years ago, the area of central Florida that is now Disney World was nothing but swamps, cattle farms and citrus groves. Under the Trump administration, which has already shown a cheerful willingness to ignore radical environmentalist dingbats, the federal government could build all kinds of dams and reservoirs and irrigation projects to turn the southwestern desert into an oasis. NASCAR tracks and football stadiums! Concert venues and skyscrapers! Nuclear power plants! If the Arab sheikhs could turn Dubai into an international resort destination, why can’t we make The Huge Wall™ of America even more spectacular?

Texas, New Mexico, Arizona — there’s six Senate votes and 43 in the House right there, not even counting California, so the political incentives are obvious enough. What we really need, though, is to get Wall Street to see the possibilities. Once the real-estate speculators get a whiff of the enormous profits to be made by investing in land near the The Huge Wall™ of America, this thing could take off like a rocket. And when it does, remember it was my 14-year-old genius daughter who foresaw it.

Don’t just dream big, America — dream huge.



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