The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Oh, @Jack Dorsey and @SarahSilverman Sharing Coup d’Etat Fantasies?

Posted on | February 16, 2017 | Comments Off on Oh, @Jack Dorsey and @SarahSilverman Sharing Coup d’Etat Fantasies?


Further evidence Twitter is being run by a delusional megalomaniac:

The CEO of Twitter seemingly believes America is currently experiencing civil unrest comparable to the Arab Spring, a series of revolutionary protests, coups and civil wars in the Arab world a few years ago.
While the social media company appears to be treading water after a rough past few months, which includes a number of high-level staff departures and a relatively sinking stock price, Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey sees his platform’s influence in society remaining largely the same, if not growing.
“A lot of the same patterns we’ve seen during the Iranian Green Revolution and the Arab Spring,” Dorsey said Wednesday at a tech conference hosted by Goldman Sachs, according to Fortune. “It was stunning to see how Twitter was being used to have a conversation about the government, with the government.”
Dorsey recounted the first time he got the impression that Twitter was so integral to American society: the protests and riots in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014.
“As a culture in the U.S., we’ve focused on things that didn’t matter as much,” Dorsey said, according to Fortune. “Now, everything is brought into perspective, and Twitter is at center of the most important conversations.”

Yeah — inciting race riot is an “important conversation,” but Twitter banned Milo Yiannopoulos for saying rude things to an overrated actress. Speaking of overrated actresses, Sarah Silverman fantasizes the U.S. military would join a “resistance” against President Trump.


Twitter lost another 39 cents per share today. The company lost $457 million last year, and the CEO is sharing the Sarah Silverman fantasy of a left-wing coup d’etat. We’d be living under an SJW junta led by Anita Sarkeesian, Leslie Jones and Zoe Quinn if it were up to Jack Dorsey.

(Hat-tip: @groupwbench on Gab.)



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