The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#IWD2017 Illegal Immigrant Teenager Charged With Beheading His Mother

Posted on | March 8, 2017 | 3 Comments

Police say Oliver Funes-Machado cut off his mother’s head Monday.

Today is International Women’s Day (#IWD2017) and we want feminists to pay attention to this case of violence against women:

A North Carolina teen was charged with first-degree murder after police say he decapitated his mother inside the family’s home.
Suspect Oliver Funez, 18, reportedly called 911 sometime Monday afternoon after the beheading and stayed on the line with the dispatcher until EMS arrived, according to WBRC.
When the responders entered the home it looked like something out of a horror film.
“He was with the decapitation in his hand, and it was a gruesome scene. The oldest son killed his mother. It looked to be a large butcher knife, the weapon that was used. I can’t tell you how many wounds,” Sheriff Kent Winstead said in a statement.
Investigators say the teen was immediately taken into custody after he placed the head on the ground in the crime scene.

Of course, feminists will wonder how to stop this violence, and therefore we should enforce our nation’s immigration laws:

A North Carolina teen who made international headlines Monday for allegedly beheading his mother with a knife is in the country illegally and is now wanted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation.
Bryan Cox, a spokesman for ICE in the southern region, said the agency has filed a detainer for 18-year-old Oliver Funes-Machado, who is charged with first-degree murder for allegedly cutting off the head of his mother, Yesenia Funes Beatriz Machado. The suspect was originally identified by local authorities with the last name spelled Funez. . . .
Funes-Machado is originally from Honduras, ICE officials said.
The killing of Yesenia Funes Beatriz Machado happened about noon Monday, 190 miles east of Charlotte in the small Pilot community of Franklin County. The closest town is Zebulon, an eastern Wake County town of 4,400 people.
Coverage of the shocking murder in a rural community has gone international, with such headlines as “Teen arrested after greeting police with butcher’s knife and mother’s severed head.” The Sun in the United Kingdom referred to the event as a “Beheading Horror” and claimed Funes-Machado “decapitated his own mum in front of her kids then confronted cops carrying her head.” . . .
The Associated Press reported that an attorney for Funes-Machado said his client has “some substantial mental health issues” and was “a pretty profoundly disturbed young man.”
It’s unclear if the rest of the Funes-Machado family is undocumented. Children of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. typically qualify for DACA status, which means they are low priority for deportation. It’s believed Funes-Machado was among the youths who qualify for DACA status.

Oh, what is DACA?

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an American immigration policy started by the Obama administration in June 2012 that allows certain undocumented immigrants to the United States who entered the country as minors to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation . . .

DACA is an Obama policy that feminists enthusiastically supported. Feminists are pro-illegal immigration, and therefore, pro-decapitation.

If you’re on Twitter, you should call this story to the attention of Amanda Marcotte, Jessica Valenti, and other leading feminists — remember to use the hashtag #IWD2017 — because I guarantee you that otherwise none of them will mention this violence by Oliver Funes-Machado.

Today  on #IWD2017, we can quote Bell Hooks:

Did you witness your “mother’s suffering at the hands of male tyrants”? Were your male relatives all “tyrants”? Were your female relatives victimized by their “fathers, brothers, and/or husbands”? If this wasn’t true in your own family, whose families are feminists condemning? Perhaps they mean the Funes-Machado family? And if it is violence against women they wish to prevent, why do feminists habitually defame all men as though we are complicit in the violence committed by criminals? Why don’t feminists support measures targeted at the most frequent perpetrators of such violence? Maybe start with Chicago:

Wilteeah Jones, her unborn baby and her boyfriend were killed on the South Side, police said. Jones’ 20-year-old boyfriend was fatally shot in the neck while sitting in the driver’s seat of a parked vehicle, police said. Jones’ body was found with gunshot wounds to the abdomen and side on a sidewalk, police said.

Who is responsible for the murder of Wilteeah Jones? Do feminists want to blame this violence against women on Republicans? Do feminists think Trump voters are committing atrocious crimes in Chicago? Please, go ask Amanda Marcotte and Jessica Valenti on Twitter about this.






3 Responses to “#IWD2017 Illegal Immigrant Teenager Charged With Beheading His Mother”

  1. Ryan and ‘Obamacare Lite’ | Regular Right Guy
    March 8th, 2017 @ 2:11 pm

    […] #IWD2017 Illegal Immigrant Teenager Charged With Beheading His Mother […]

  2. #IDW2017 More Violence Against Women That Feminists Will Probably Ignore : The Other McCain
    March 8th, 2017 @ 10:34 pm

    […] Day (#IWD2017 on Twitter), I have been highlighting incidents of violence against women, including Oliver Funes-Machado, who decapitated his own mother, and Neel Salil Mehta, who brutally attacked a teenage girl with a machete. However, feminists […]

  3. #IDW2017 Immigrant Raped Girl From Age 11, Got Her Pregnant at 15, Police Say : The Other McCain
    March 8th, 2017 @ 11:06 pm

    […] #IWD2017 Illegal Immigrant Teenager Charged With Beheading His Mother […]