The Other McCain

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Too Many Republicans on MSNBC?

Posted on | June 14, 2017 | Comments Off on Too Many Republicans on MSNBC?

Liberals are upset about seeing Republicans on TV:

Actor and activist Mark Ruffalo is urging fans to sign a petition demanding NBC News stop hiring white conservatives for on-air positions.
“Sign the petition: Tell @MSNBC @NBCNews to stop the white conservative hiring spree,” Mr. Ruffalo tweeted to his more 3.19 million followers over the weekend.
Ruffalo . . . specifically targets NBC News President Andy Lack in the petition.
“Lack has pushed out Black and Brown talent including Melissa Harris-Perry, Alex Wagner, Touré Neblett, Dorian Warren, Michael Eric Dyson, Adam Howard, Jamil Smith, Jose Diaz-Balart and Tamron Hall,” Ruffalo’s petition reads.
“In fact, Lack has a history of replacing Black on-air personalities wherever he goes. America needs voices like these now more than ever, and we need to make it clear to Lack that we are paying attention and there will be consequences.
“Tell NBC executives: Stop the white conservative hiring spree at MSNBC.”
The petition also notes the relatively recent hires of Megyn Kelly, Greta Van Susteren, George Will and Hugh Hewitt, who will, or already do, host their own programs. Kelly’s two programs are on and slated for NBC.

Democrats believe they have a right to all-Democrat media.



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