The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | August 11, 2017 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

The knowledge that one has been hoodwinked: they took my cockandballs.
I sit on a step before a temple ruin. My flesh is become a metaphor for it.
A cautionary tale. One should reject every Progressive utterance.
There. Is. No. Corporate. Guilt. Not your country; not your civilization; not your gender.
Their nonsense caught me in college and lasted as long as the decadent drug debauch.
Liberated from manhood, I can only now reject being a victim, and dedicate my remaining heartbeats to opposing Progressive evil wherever it seeks to corrode and destroy that which is good, true, and lasting.

Picture via Darleen


One Response to “Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge”

  1. FMJRA 2.0: Sorcerer : The Other McCain
    August 12th, 2017 @ 9:40 pm

    […] Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge EBL […]
