The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Thank You, ‘Far-Right’ Lesbian!

Posted on | September 25, 2017 | 1 Comment


That’s a very interesting headline:

Xenophobic populism has returned to German national politics with a bang, this time in the guise of a 38-year-old lesbian investment-banking economist. Alice Weidel is the unusual figure who has come to symbolize the far-right Alternative for Germany’s (AfD) goal-line run into the Bundestag. The AfD’s astounding 13.4 percent finish makes it the first openly chauvinistic, illiberal party to capture seats in Germany’s foremost democratic institution since the early postwar years. . . .
In part, the AfD owes its promotion into prime-time German politics to Weidel, its unlikely public face. A complete unknown in Germany until she, in tandem with Alexander Gauland, was tapped to lead the party’s national campaign. Gauland more or less fits the stereotype of the Willie Stark-style populist rabble-rouser, but its Weidel — a self-confident, dressed-for-success expatriate financial consultant who on the surface seems to be the sort of “globalist” that nationalist populists typically claim to despise — who has earned the higher public profile. . . .

Notice here the use of words like “xenophobic,” “chauvinistic” and “nationalist,” intended to suggest that this “far-right” party is essentially neo-Nazi in its political orientation. This deliberate smear is an attempt to conceal the reality of what is actually happening in Germany.

The “far-right” is, in fact, attempting to defend Germany’s democratic institutions and liberal culture against a foreign threat — radical Islam — which has been aggravated by an influx of “refugees.” There has been an epidemic of sexual violence against women and girls in Germany committed by these Muslim immigrants, and Prime Minister Angela Merkel’s party has enabled this invasion of foreign predators.

In the “intersectional” identity-politics calculus of American liberalism, of course, a lesbian like Alice Weidel is expected to be an ally of the foreign invaders, but Germany is not America, and Weidel is shrewd enough to recognize her own self-interest as more important than the slogans of multiculturalism. Islamic culture is both misogynistic  and homophobic, and why shouldn’t a German lesbian oppose a Muslim invasion?

The rhetoric of multiculturalism, just like the smears used against Weidel’s “far-right” party, is deceptive in its purposes, intended to lull us into a state of somnambulance, so that we sleepwalk into a future organized according to the plans of an intellectual elite. Evidence that these plans are dangerous — e.g., the “Muslim rape frenzy” in Germany — must be suppressed, so that the citizenry surrenders without protest.

Alice Weidel ain’t playing that game, see? We are witnessing the Götterdämmerung of elite liberalism, and the news from Germany is confirmation that people everywhere are finally waking up.



One Response to “Thank You, ‘Far-Right’ Lesbian!”

  1. FMJRA 2.0: This Space Deliberately Left Blank : The Other McCain
    October 3rd, 2017 @ 12:43 am

    […] Thank You, ‘Far-Right’ Lesbian! EBL […]

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